-Chapter 42-

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Anger rises in me like a wave. All the pain he's caused me. Everything he's put me through. They've put me through. Everything. I grit my teeth, tears stinging in my eyes as I step forward. I'm shaking, burning, and without thinking I raise my hand and slap him clean across the face.

"You're a fucking arse, Harry Potter!" I scream. The Hall falls silent, a few people gasp. Harry winces, his eyes closed, face turned away from me. Slowly, unsure, he looks back up at me. Scared almost, cowering away from my hand.

"I know I am and I know I deserve that-" He says, his voice cracking. His eyes are swimming with tears, and he has the most awful, painful expression on his face. Something in me breaks. The anger disperses and for a moment it's just me and him. My brother. I haven't spoken to him in months.

I miss him.

I'm not weak. I know that. Or at least, I think I do. I don't know if it'll ever be the same between us after what he did to me. They did to me. Anyone can hold a grudge. Anyone can pout and cry about how hard life is. Being angry is easy. Forgiving is not. I have to try to forgive them. Be the better person. I'm no worse than them if I stay angry. If I turn away. If I believe myself better than them I am automatically worse. I have to at least try. 

So I muster all of my courage, lowering my hand. "But you're still my brother," I whisper.

He nods, biting his lip and pulling me into a hug. He suffocates me, holding me tightly against his chest as if he'll never let go. He lets out a sob, pressing his face into my hair. It's too much. I can't hold out, I can't keep it together. My throat aches and I let out a cry, hopeless and tired. I'm so tired.

"I'm so sorry-" He sobs. I can only nod in response. I know he is. Of course he is.

He pulls back, smiling at me through his tears. His face is red and blotchy, happy but sad.

"You owe me,"

"I know. I'm going to keep you safe I promise. I will. I have to,"

I step backwards. No. 

"I don't need protecting." I hiss, "Especially not from you. I haven't need your protection, for you to keep me safe, all year. I'm still here, I'm still alive and it has nothing to do with you," I yell, 

He winces, looking away. "You think the Slytherins will protect you?!"

"You misogynistic fuck!" I growl,  "Evidently, I don't need protecting!"

"It has nothing to do with you being a girl!" He yells, 


"Yes. You're my sister. I'd give anything to keep you safe."

"Anything? Really?" I snap, 

"I said I'm sorry,"

"Sorry doesn't fix everything!"

"What more can I do?"

"Grow up, Harry Potter! Give me time. Maybe one day I'll forgive you. Move on. But not now." 

I step around Harry, standing in front of Ron and folding my arms.

"Have you got anything to say for yourself?"

He shakes his head vigorously, eyes trained on his feet. I nod.

"Good," I say,.

"Harry and I have got our back now. You know that, right? You're like another sister. If someone, namely Draco-"

"I swear to god  Ronald I will slap you too," I snap, and he stops, holding up his hands as if to surrender.

I turn to Hermione.

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