-Chapter 40-

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He called me darling

Tonks rolls her eyes at me, and I throw a pillow at her.

"Oh shut up," I say, smiling to myself as I carefully refold my letter and slip it back into it's envelope.

"Good news?"

I smile, "I suppose you could say that."

The door creaks open, and I look up to see Molly Weasley tentatively walking through it, a mug of tea in hand. I freeze up, my eyes flickering up over her shoulder to see Harry, Ron and Hermione peering in at me. I look away, scowling. I hear the door close, and someone walks up to me. Molly places the mug down and I hear the clinking of china cups. I look over slowly, my eyes meeting hers.

She goes to say something, then stops, changing her mind. She sighs, tilting her head at me and giving me a sorry look. Reaching her hand out, she winces as she moves my hair out of the way and inspects a cut I acquired on the side of my face.

"Poor thing," She mutters.

I can't stay angry at this woman.

I ache for a hug, and as my throat starts to burn, a lump rising and I don't stop it. Quickly I sit up, reaching out to her. She pulls me into a tight hug. A mum hug. The sort of hug no one else can give you. Safety. Warmth. I cry on her shoulder and she strokes my hair, whispering to me about how strong I am. About how good I've been. About how sorry she is.


I spend my days in bed, then in my room when the pain in the back of my head stops. The only people they let into the room to watch me are Molly, Tonks, Arthur and Remus. Every time the door opens, however, I can see them. The others. Peering in at me with curiosity and resentment and guilt.

A week after the attack at the Ministry I sit on my bed, bags packed, to return to Hogwarts. I demanded I go back for the last day with the others. I have people to see. Things I need to say. Loose ends to tie up. The door creaks open, revealing Harry. He looks at his feet, not daring to meet my gaze.

"We're leaving now," He says quietly. He goes to say something else, but stops, instead turning and leaving the room. Slowly, I get up, grasping my trunk firmly and hauling it out, through the open door and onto the dimly lit landing.

I can hear voices coming from downstairs, and slowly, weakly, making my way down them, my trunk hitting each step with a loud thud every step I take. When I finally reach the ground floor I follow the muffled voices into the living room, tentatively stepping through the door and closing it softly behind me.

I turn around to see the others looking at me, avoiding my gaze, but still staring. Taking in my withered frame. How small I must look. Weak. I stand a little taller. No. I saved Harry's life. I'm not weak. I can't be.

The large fireplace glows with green flames. We'll be using the Floo network. Molly waves me over, and I squeeze past the couches and tables until I'm at her side. She places her hands on my shoulders and smiles at me.

"You're welcome here this summer. Remember that."

"I know Molly,"

"Just let one of the others know, or just show up, we won't mind. You don't have to stay there if you don't want to."

"Thank you, Molly." I croak. She pulls me into a tight hug, then steps out of the way so that I can step into the green flames. She pours some Floo Powder into my hand and gives me a reassuring smile.

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