-Chapter 37-

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We fell.

We had expected something on the other side of the door, but instead, we plummet downwards. No one screams, surprisingly, and I close my eyes as we jolt to a stop a metre from the ground. We thud to the floor, and slowly, I look up at the dark room we've landed in.

It seems as though the room was built around the tall archway in the centre. The stone floor is natural, not paved or built, and the archway almost looks like the stone wall that once framed it was destroyed, leaving only the arch. My forehead creases and I hear something, a hushed sound coming from the archway. It looks as though a sheer fabric hangs in the archway, floating in a nonexistent breeze. And whispering, apparently.

"Department of mysteries. Got that right, didn't they?" Ron mutters, pulling himself to his feet.

Harry and I walk slowly towards the archway. I listen, trying to decipher words in the swirling mess of noise. As if he can read my mind, Harry says;

"Can you tell what they're saying?"

"No," I whisper. He glances at me as if to say I'm not talking to you. I ignore him.

"There are no voices Harry. Now let's get out of here." Hermione says quickly, looking around for an exit.

"I hear them too," Luna murmurs, looking up at the archway in awe.

"Harry, it's just an empty archway. Please, Harry!" Hermione says, her voice growing impatient. I hear a noise from behind us. I hold my wand firmly in my hand.

"Get behind me!" Harry says, and we follow. Admittedly, I don't know what the point of getting behind him is, but I do as he says regardless. There's no point arguing.

Swooping down from above, swirls of black smoke hurtle at us, flying around and cloaking us in darkness. I feel someone grab me, pulling me and holding me, an arm against my throat. I struggle, attempting to get away, to yell, but they hold me tighter, crushing me. I cry out, but the only sound that escapes my lips is a gasp.

Suddenly, the smoke retreats, and I find myself pinned to Lucious Malfoy. He stands, staring at Harry, who has curled himself around our prophecy on the floor. His eyes meet mine, then looking up to Lucious, who chuckles. I look around, seeing that everyone is being held like me, wand to their head, by one of the Death Eaters. I grit my teeth, struggling again, but to no avail. Lucious grits his teeth, grunting as he holds me tighter.

"Did you actually believe, were you truly naive enough to think that children-" He jabs his elbow into my throat and I whimper, my knees buckling beneath me but he pulls me to my feet again, "Stood a chance against us,"

"I'll make this, simple, for you Potter," Lucious holds out his free hand towards Harry, "Give me the prophesy now, or watch your friends die." I cry out as he crushes my throat further, and I feel the world around me start to spin. Burning. I feel as though I'm burning.

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville calls, but Bellatrix silences him immediately. Harry's eyes meet mine, or at least I think they do. The world is blurry, spinning, I'm trying to keep my feet planted but I can't. Harry slowly lifts the prophecy and places it in Lucious's hand. Lucious raises it, staring into the swirling depths of the sphere when a white light shines from behind us. He loosens his grip on me and I slip to the ground, heaving. Harry takes the opportunity to pull me away from Lucious, helping me to my feet. I turn to see Sirius standing behind Lucious, glaring at him.

"Get away from my godchildren."

He throws a punch straight into the side of Lucious's face, and white swirls of smoke appear around us everywhere. The Order. They've found us. Harry and Sirius pull me down behind one the side of the archway, I close my eyes, breathing heavily. I feel a hand on the side of my face, and look up to see Sirius.

"Now listen to me, you take the others and get out of here."

"What? No! I'm staying with you!" Harry argues. I glance at him weakly. I don't know how much more of this whole fighting thing I can take. My insides ache with every move, and I can barely manage the energy to cast a spell. I'm done for.

"You've done beautifully. Now let us take it from here." Sirius says, his voice wavering slightly. A spell hits just above my head and I cower, looking up at them as they stand, turning to face Lucious. Protecting me. I hate it when people protect me. I try to stand, but slip back to the floor. My head feels as though it's about to explode. I press it between my knees. Stop it. You can't give in now. You've come so far. You have to stay alive. For Harry, I think, for Harry. I look up, spells flying around my head. Swirls of black and white spiralling through the air. I can't do this. I have to do this.

"Nice one James!" I hear Sirius yell, and I look up in confusion as Harry falls back, surprised. Sirius called him James. I pull myself to my feet, watching as Sirius disarms Lucious and sends him flying backwards. I brace myself against the stone of the arch, sighing with relief.

"Avada kedavra!" a voice screams from the other side of the cavern. I look over. Bellatrix. My heart stops. I turn back to see Sirius. The world slows down. I can no longer feel the ache in my centre. My throat no longer burns. The scratches and bruises numb themselves. Shaking, I step forward, my mouth open, I cry a strangled cry though I don't hear it myself. He steps back, into the archway, and is lifted, fading, into nothingness. Becoming part of it. Just another part of the curtain. I reach my hands out weakly as if to catch him, but I'm too late. He's gone. Gone.


I grab Harry's arm, trying to pull him away from the shimmering curtain, and he shakes me off. Lupin runs up, grabbing him and holding him back as he cries out. I slump against the archway, empty. Too exhausted for words. The world spins around me and tears blur my vision. All I can hear is Harry's cries. Pure agony. Heartbreak.

He's gone.


Heeeey all

I'm updating again this weekend cause I want to and also-

Have any of you had to have surgery done to have teeth removed? As in while unconscious? Please don't tell me any horror stories but it's happening to me tomorrow and I'm terrified!

Also also-

Who's person A and who's person B?

I think I'll do these at the end of chapters more often

Lots of love,

Taylor xx

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