-Chapter 11-

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I begged Hermione to let me help her organise the first meeting for the secret DATDA class, but she never gave in. She said I was too 'high profile', had too many teachers watching me, and with the impending detentions with Umbridge, it was too dangerous to get me involved. She took matters into her own hands. I'm disappointed of course, I had wanted to help as much as possible, but she was right. If Umbridge found out about the army, and that I was in it, I would be an easy target. Not to mention the scrutiny Harry and I are under anyway. 

I'm standing on our battlement, through the broom closet where Draco and I usually meet. He's late. The meeting is in an hour and I'm meant to meet Hermione in the common room in forty-five minutes. I look out at the view of the black lake. It's getting colder now, there are frosts at night and the castle seems quieter. Preparing for it's christmas hibernation. The black lake looks more ominous than normal when surrounded by silence. 

"I'm here!" I hear Draco yell, and the clatter coming from the door behind me, "I'm" crash! "here!"

The door opens just enough for him to squeeze out, and once he does, he slams the door shut behind him, obviously trying to stop anything from following him outside. I laugh at him and applaud, grinning, and he takes a bow. Snapping out of it, he walks up to me and thrusts a badge in my face. 

"Look! I'm part of the 'Inquisitorial Squad'!" He exclaims, grinning proudly. My smile shrinks a little, but I make an effort to remain positive. 

"That's great Draco?" I say, questioning him slightly. He never seemed all that taken by the Inquisitorial Squad, especially after he found out about my detentions. His face drops, and he takes a step back. The theatrics are gone. 

"I though you'd be happy..." 

"It's not that I'm not happy for you it's just-"

"I thought it would be helpful! Me being in the Squad, I mean, I thought you'd see that. I've been hinting at it for a few days, and with your secret 'Dumbledores Army' thing, I just, I thought I could help." He finishes, standing up proudly again. I gasp. "I though you were smarter than this, Potter!" 

I grin, rushing over and hugging him tightly. He hugs me back. "'Cause I know your brother won't let me join it, so I thought, if I helped he might change his mind." 

I pull back, looking up at him. I can feel his breath on my face, and I can see the different shades of grey in his eyes, tangled with the faintest bit of blue. I can see the faint tinge of pink in his cheeks. I feel my cheeks start to grow red. The air between us feels electric. His eyes briefly flicker down to my lips, and then finally I shake my head, snapping out of it. 

I look down at my feet, take my hands from his shoulders and step backward, blushing. He scratches that back of his neck, and looks away. I smile at him. 

"Thank you Draco, so much, for doing that. I mean for joining the-" 

"Yeah, thank you too- wait- no I mean, I have nothing to thank you for-"

I grin mischievously, "Does that mean you don't like me then?"

"What? I mean, I don't like you like that- Well It's not that I don't-"

"So you don't like me then?" 

"No I do like you!" 

"Aha!" I say, grinning at him. His cheeks go a deep shade of red. 

"That's my trick, Potter," 

"Our trick, thank you very much,"

"Besides that wasn't very well done." He chuckles, and I hit him lightly. I lean over the edge of the battlement, taking huge breaths of the frosty air.  We stand in silence for a while. Finally, I look over to him. 

"Aren't you excited for christmas?" I say, smiling wistfully. I love christmas. Always have. I don't care all that much for my birthday, but christmas... It the most beautiful time of year. "I saw Hagrid dragging a christmas tree in a couple days ago, don't you think it's a bit early?" Draco shrugs, looking away.

"I don't care for Christmas." He says, grimacing. I gasp.

"Why not?!"

"I just... I don't have any fun." I shake my head in disbelief. Not like christmas? I didn't think it was possible.  "My parents always invite over their-" He glances at me, wincing, "Death Eater friends, and the like, and have some gloomy evil cocktail party. They don't really care if I'm there or not. Most of the tim I say hello then head into London by myself." 

He looks over to me, expecting me to tell him off, and looks surprised when I wrap one arm around him. 

"I'm sorry, Draco,"

"And it's not that I don't like my parents, I just don't like Christmas," He says quickly, glancing at me. 

"Hang out with me. On christmas. Spend christmas with me," I say quietly. What am I thinking? At the order? How would I manage that? And even if they allowed me to bring him, the security is insane. Whats to say his father won't find out? He turns to me in surprise, the faint shimmer of hope in his eyes,

"You're not serious! At the order? With all the-"

I nod slowly. I have one ally- Molly. Now, Molly may not be all the fond of the Malfoys, but she would let me bring Draco. I'll write to her. If Molly says yes, the boys will have to follow suit. 

"Like they'd let me come! That's insane, even for your standards."

"Hey! It isn't insane, I just have to figure out a way to get you there and back without you knowing where it is. Molly wouldn't mind you coming, especially if she hears about how you normally spend christmas. Please, let me try?" He sighs, trying to hide a grin,

"Ok then," 



So I though no one would mind a Drala chapter so here ya go. 

Important: Would you like a chapter on the first Dumbledores Army meeting or no? I can do one or I can briefly summarise it and just jump straight into the actual classes and Clara's detentions. PLEASE ANSWER MEEE

I hope you enjoyed,

Taylor xx

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