-Chapter 4-

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The muted morning sun filters through the large dusty window and falls onto my face. My eyes flicker open. I push myself up onto my elbows, glancing around the dimly lit room. Ginny lies on her front with one arm hanging out of the bed, and every now and then, you hear her snore. Hermione, however, is curled up in a ball, facing away from me. I smile. Thank goodness it's morning. I had one of those nights where all you can do is wait for morning to come. I couldn't sleep. I push the heavy blankets off myself and find my trunk, pulling out some clothes. I get changed into some jeans and a shirt with a faded red jacket over the top. I slip out of the room, silently shutting the door behind me. I walk slowly across the landing and down the stairs. I hear the murmuring of some people in the kitchen, the crackling of food on the stove, and I follow the noise to the kitchen. I step through the squeaky door and see Mrs Weasely cooking, while Mrs Weasely and Harry sit conversing at the table, which is ladened with toast and some spreads. 

"Ah, Clara dear, you're up early!" Mrs Weasely smiles, waving me in, "Come now take a seat and I'll get you some breakfast." 

I nod, walking in and taking up a spot next to Harry, who gives me a friendly smile. 

"Morning," He says groggily, 

"Morning," I say back, grabbing myself a plate and some toast. "Will I be coming with you? Today?" 

Harry and Mr Weasely look at each other, then back to me. 

"Clara, Harry and I-"

"We don't think you should come. The ministry doesn't like you, and-"

"I'm family! Besides, they don't like YOU either," 

"I know you're family, Clara," Harry says, placing a hand on my shoulder, making me look him in the eye. He's serious. Really serious. "But the Ministry doesn't." 

"Besides," Mrs weasely says, placing a large plate of fried eggs down in front of us, "I need some help around here. Even with the boy's help, there's always jobs that need doing." 

I sigh, defeated. I'd been kept awake because of this stupid hearing. Stressing. 


Harry and Mr Weasely left for the Ministry half an hour later, and I set to work with Mrs Weasely making people comfortable. The men were continuously talking about the Order in the sitting room, and though I always volunteered to take in the tea, Mrs Weasely would not allow it.  I spent most of the day washing up. The boys were airing out the rooms upstairs and taking out rubbish. Ginny and Hermione were washing the last of the Hogwarts robes and making tea. 

It worked like clockwork, but all the same, I felt extremely shaky. I took the potion snape gave me this morning, and I know I'm not feeling what Harry was feeling. These are my nerves. Finally, the evening came. The moment Mrs Weasely mentioned them being back soon, I dropped what I was doing and rushed to the door. I wait, on the foot of the stairs in the hallway. My fingers scratching at each other on my lap. Suddenly, I hear the click of the door opening. I fly to my feet, turning the corner to see Harry, beaming. He shrugs at me, and I squeal. He did it. He's staying at Hogwarts. 


The next morning was chaos. All us kids were up by eight, scrambling around the kitchen getting food. We packed bags, made beds, checked and double checked we had everything until finally, we stood on platform 9 3/4 saying our goodbyes. Harry and I followed Sirius, who had come in his dog form, into a room out of sight to everyone else, where he changed into his human form. Harry and I run after him, closing the door behind us. 

"Sirius! What are you doing here? If somebody sees you-"

"I had to see you off, didn't I?" He says, waving us over to the bench where he is sitting. "Whats life without a little risk,"

Harry follows him, sitting next to him on the bench, and follow, standing next to Harry. 

"I don't want to see you get shut back in Azkaban," Harry says, glancing at me. I nod in agreement. 

"Don't you two worry about me, anyway, I wanted you to have this," Sirius hands harry and folded piece of old parchment. Harry unfolds it to reveal a photograph of a group of people. In the centre, our parents. I sit down next to Harry, and he hands me the picture, knowing how partial I am to pictures of them. I run my fingers over their smiling faces. 

"The original Order of the Pheonix, Marlene MacKinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family. The Longbottoms-"

"Neville's parents..." I murmur, 

"They suffered a fate worse than death if you ask me. It's been fourteen years, and still not a day goes by I don't miss your dad."

"Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asks, looking up from the picture,

"It feels like it did before." I sniff, looking up at Sirius with glassy eyes, and I go to hand back the picture, 

"No you keep it, anyway I suppose you're the young ones now." 

Harry and I smile at him. I fold up the picture and place it in my satchel. We hug Sirius goodbye and hurry to the station. We find our way to where Hermione and Ron have found a compartment and sit down. 


When we arrive, we slowly file off and onto the platform. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I start towards the carriages when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see two grey eyes and platinum blonde hair. Draco Malfoy.  

"Hey Clara," He smiles at me as they pass. 

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Harry yells, lunging forward. Ron grabs him from behind and holds him steady for a second before letting go. 

"It's just Malfoy, what'd you expect?" Ron mutters, and Harry shakes him off. I glare at Harry, whacking him with my satchel.

"What the HELL Harry!" I snap, running after them. How could he be so rude? I had hoped this year they'd at least be civil. I catch up to them - Draco and his friends - and slow.

"Er, hi boys," I say awkwardly, They all sort of jump, noticing I'm there. "Draco I'm-"

"I'll catch you up," Draco says to his friends, falling back with me. 

"I'm sorry about that-"

"It's fine. Did you get my letters?" I shake my head,

"Did you get mine?"


I know this is a shitty chapter but I just had to speed through but they're finally at Hogwarts! WE DID IT!

Also, What Hogwarts house are you in?

I'm a Slytherin.

Taylor xx

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