-Chapter 18-

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I step up on my toes and kiss him.

He is just as shocked as I am. My arms, which were already on his shoulders, reach up and touch his jaw, while his hands gently hold my waist. My heart is racing as our lips move lightly against each other, tentatively, as if asking am I doing this right?

Speaking of, am I doing this right?

The kiss lasts only a moment before I pull back, my eyes meeting his. I blush, stifling a laugh by burying my face in his shoulder. I don't want to look at him. My cheeks are burning. He starts to chuckle, wrapping his arms around me. I giggle into his shoulder, trying to laugh the embarrassment off.

"Hey," He whispers after we've both stopped laughing,


"Look at me,"

I shake my head,


Nope. Not looking at him. I just want to stay like this, my face nestled into his shoulder. The world will never again be graced by this face.

"Come on," He says, in a tone irresistible to anyone that cares, and I pull away, still not meeting his gaze.

He leans sideways to meet me, and I tentatively look up. He grins. His cheeks are red too, though I don't know whether it's the cold or me, and snowflakes have made a home in his hair and eyelashes. I don't feel like the world has changed. It wasn't a life changing kiss that has thrown my universe upside down. The castle, the snow, the landscape... It all looks the exact same. He smirks.

"I win,"

"What?!" I say, eyes snapping up to meet his,

"You kissed me,"

"I was unaware that it was a competition, Malfoy,"

"So you didn't like it?"

I must look like a tomato. "It's not that-"

"So you did?"

"Well, maybe I did-"

"Just maybe?"

"Alright, so I did like it-"

"You did like it,"

"Shut up," I scowl at him,

"I did too."

I look up at him, standing straight. I smile, and he does too. Quietly. Just us.

I need to go. Harry and Hermione are waiting for me in the common room.

"Er, ok, well, I'll see you later, Malfoy," I say. I turn to leave, smiling at him before stepping around him and darting through the closet,

"You too, Potter,"


I got back to the common room a bit later than I had hoped- The Weasley's were already back. I try my hardest not to look so happy when I walk in. As usual, they sit around the fireplace on my right, retelling what must have happened when they went to Grimmauld Place. Slowly I walk over, sitting down next to Hermione.

"Hey, Clara!" Ginny says cheerfully, smiling at me,

"You're late," Hermione says. She knows I was going to see Draco after my detention. She's trying to make me tell. Rude.

"I had a detention, and then it started snowing so I thought I go and have a look. It's beautiful." I say. A total lie of course.

They all nod, though not taking it entirely seriously.

"How was it? In London? Is your dad alright?"

"Yeah, he's alright. A bit shaken, but apart from that, they said he'd be home for Christmas," Ron says, scratching that back of his head.

"It seems Ron forgot the most important part," Ginny says rolling her eyes, "He is in hospital,"

"Hisspital," Fred mutters. George high fives him. I chuckle, and Ginny groans and buries her head in her hands.

"Basically he'll be alright. The wound isn't too bad." Harry finishes, smiling at the twins who seem to have lost it laughing.

"How are the lessons with Snape, Harry?" Ginny says, resting her head on her hands.

Harry shrugs. "It's, well, they're fine I guess. It's not very easy though. What he's trying to teach me."

I nod. Occlumency is hard. They started teaching me when I was small, slowly, lightly prodding my mind. It annoyed me so much I became very got at making them bugger off. We sit in silence for a minute, before Ron says,

"Last Army meet up tomorrow,"

"Last day tomorrow," I say,

We look around at eachother. I feel like only yesterday it was the Yule ball. Now, almost a year later, so much yet so little has changed. I don't know how I feel about it.



Also, I have now written the sentence 'the world will never again be graced by this face' and that makes me very happy.

Sorry it's a bit shorter than normal.

See you next week!

xx Taylor

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