-Chapter 33-

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The Great Hall has been emptied and changed for our OWL exams, and now is simple, neutral and quiet. Not silent- The sound of the pendulum swinging back and forth was enough to break the silence, accompanied by the scratching of quills and heavy breathing- Silence is a total lack of sound. Quiet is when everyone and everything is making an effort to achieve silence but is unable to, mostly because living things find it very hard to stop living purely to achieve silence. The fact the large black sign at the front of the room says SILENCE in large, red letters does not stop us from breathing.  

I sit on a small, one person desk behind Draco. He is hunched over his work, writing continuously as the pendulum swings back and forth. We are doing our Theory of Charms exam currently, and my quill lightly scratches at the parchment with every word I write, but I can barely concentrate. Being in the same room as her makes my heart go at a thousand beats every second. 

Umbridge stands at the front of the room, watching us with a content, entertained look on her face. She enjoys watching us scribble meaningless words onto pieces of paper. 


My ears prick up, and I turn, looking over my shoulder at the large wooden doors. What was that? It was loud, jarring almost, not normal. I glance back at Umbridge. She's noticed it. 

The noise happens again. It's louder now, like something getting closer. Everyone is looking up now, even Hermione. Umbridge starts walking briskly towards the door, glaring at us as she walks past. 

The noise happens once more before she reaches the doors and they swing open. She steps out, glancing each way. I hear the firework before I see it- It flits around her face accompanied by a high pitched noise. It flies over her head and up, bursting into three, blue flashes that fall in sparks down onto us. 

She takes a step forward, and we all sit up, turning in our seats and waiting to see what, or who had sent fireworks into our exam. I hear a voice, then two, Ron, whos sitting across from me smirks. It's the twins. Of course, it's the twins. 

Fred and George wiz into the hall on two broomsticks, throwing more fireworks and sparks into the air as they cheer. Colour sprays into the room, and we all stand up cheering. A grin spreads across my face, and I stand up, clapping like everyone else. We throw our papers in the air as smoke and colour fill the room. I run over to Draco, taking his arm. He smiles at me, looking back up at the multicoloured cloud above us. Sparks from mini fireworks fall down around us and we laugh, coughing slightly at the smoke. 

Fred and George say something to each other in the air. Then they throw something up, a firework, but this time it's bigger than the others. I look up, watching as it bursts to life, colours flying together until they finally form the face of a dragon. I gasp, watching as it swoops down, chasing Umbridge out of the hall. Once it's outside the door, It explodes around her, and I cheer loudly as I hear the smashing of glass. Suddenly, the crowd of us starts moving, following Fred and George out an into the courtyard. We join the mass of black robes, running with them as we push through the doors and into the fresh air. 

I look up to see Fred and George cheering next to the letters 'W W' in the sky made from sparking fireworks. The crowd cheers loudly, clapping, jumping and waving at them as ash from the fireworks fly down around us. I smile, clapping along with them. 

I feel something nudge at the back of my head. The world around me slows down, the clapping and cheering becoming distant echoes. I stumble backwards, feeling as it pushes harder, twisting its way into my head. I try to push it out, and normally I would have no trouble, but somehow, it's like I'm fighting a war with only half an army. I can't fight it and win. It slips in, and the world around me disappears. 

Sirius is in a dark room I don't recognise. I've never been there in real life, not really. I feel as though I must have been here in a dream. Voldemort moves around him, his wand pointed at Sirius. he is unmoving, with a pained expression on his face. 

"I need that prophecy." Voldemort's voice rings through my head as though he was right next to me.

"You'll have to kill me," Sirius says, his voice weary. 

"Oh I will, but first you will fetch it for me. Crucio!" 

Sirius cries out. Visions flash before my eyes, a crystal ball upon a shelf in a dark room, a door Harry talked about earlier in the year. A ministry corridor. 

The world fades back in, and I jump, gasping as my eyes meet Draco's, then Pansy's. I'm shaking. That wasn't like the one with Mr Weasley in it- That was more emotional. Raw. Uncontrollable. This was different- It pushed into my head. Everything was strange, almost as if I was being shown things I need to do. Instructed. That couldn't have been real.  

"Clara? Are you alright?" Pansy asks, concerned. 

I don't know. Harry will think that was real. He will try to save Sirius, be the hero. I can't let him go alone, not this time. I don't want to go so I can prove myself. I don't want to be the hero, I just want to keep my brother alive, and if that wasn't real, he'll be walking straight into a trap. He may be an arse, but he's the only family I've got. My eyes fly up to Draco's.



"We have to find Harry."


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