-Chapter 22-

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Draco and I walk, his hand in mine, through the icy London streets in silence. We know what we want to say, but saying anything in public, regardless of our disguises, is dangerous. Especially when it concerns the order. He clings onto my hand as I walk him back to Grimmauld place until our hands are warm. I like it. It feels like safety.

We don't go straight to Grimmauld, however, I instead lead him off on a multitude of random streets in order to ensure our location remains a total mystery. As we walk, he does his best to look normal, but because of his blindness he looks off in random directions, and I have to remind him to look straightforward. I also have to make sure he doesn't run into anything. Finally, we reach Grimmauld Place a bit before Lunch. I lead him inside, waiting until the door is shut to finally unblind him.

He blinks, raising his eyebrows and looking around at the hallway. While his vision returns, I tap both of us with my wand and remove the disguising spell. A puff of dust from our shoulders signals that we look normal again. Draco looks around the hallway questionably.

"Don't worry," I whisper, "The house is clean enough, take off your coat,"

He does, still not daring to speak. I sigh, "Listen, Draco, you'll be fine,"

He undoes his jacket, slipping it off and hanging it up on one of the coat hooks by the door. I stifle a laugh. He's wearing a Christmas-green jumper with a white Christmas tree outline on it. Hanging on said tree were colourful circles for baubles. I grin. He turns a bright shade of red and looks down at himself in dismay,


"No no, it's-"

"What is it? I thought-" He says quickly, looking back up at me. He looks terrified. Poor thing.

"Draco, it's fine, calm down," I hang my jacket up and turn to him, "besides, green is definitely your colour."

I press a kiss into his cheek and smile at him. He sighs,

"I look like a total fool, don't I?"

"Only a little bit, besides, it's endearing. They're probably a lot less likely to hate you when you're dressed like that," He gives me a weak smile. I take his hand, "Ready?"


We walk down the hall towards the noise coming from the kitchen. I hear a thumping of footsteps from above us, and hear Ginny call, "They're back!"

The sounds from the kitchen stop and I hear them move towards the door. The others upstairs start thumping down the stairs to the landing. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George all stand on the stairs eyeing us. Through the kitchen door comes Sirius, Molly and Arthur. I feel Draco stiffen.

"Arthur! How are you?" I say, trying to initiate conversation.

"Glad to be back with my family," He answers earnestly, smiling at me. I nod, biting my lip.

"Oh! Sirius, Draco, you might not have met before. Sirius this is-"

"I know. I knew his father, and if he's anything like-"Sirius starts, and Draco looks down.

"Sirius, I swear-" Molly starts, and he stops. She turns and smiles at Draco. "Merry Christmas, dear,"

"I'm only kidding, Molly. We're second cousins, actually, though they wouldn't tell you that, eh?" Draco shrugs, gulping,

"Well, I assumed, but no, they don't,"

"Thought as much,"

Arthur doesn't say anything, but instead just glares at Draco. Molly sighs, "Alright, I'll see you in the kitchen is a second," She gives the others a look, before hurrying Sirius and Arthur back through the door. Draco and I look up at the others. Draco gives them an awkward wave,

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