-Chapter 10-

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I sit perched on a wooden bench against the corridor wall. My hands are tangled together in my lap. Hermione is pacing back and forth in front of me. Every now and then she stops to say something but stops, and then continues pacing. Harry stands leaning on the wall to my right with Ron. Draco is leaning on the pillar to my left at the end of the corridor. I sigh, looking down at my hands. 

"I can't believe you did that! Have I taught you nothing?!" Hermione screeches, turning to me with her hands on her hips. "You'll get us all in trouble-"

"Hey! Sybil is my family, Hermione, I wasn't just going to let-"

"Well you-"

"Oi!" Ron yells, stepping foreward, "Can you both just shut it!" 

And we do. Hermione and I glance at each other. 

"Couldn't you have just let someone else deal with it? Now you've got yourself even more detentions! We'll never see you!" Harry says, 

"Imagine what the daily prophet will say! She will have reported it by now I bet- maybe you deserve the detentions! Being so reckless!" Hermione says flustered as she turns away. 

"Hey!" Draco snaps, I look up at him, "How could you say that?! No one deserves detentions with her-" 

I glare at him. His eyes meet mine. Don't you dare, I think, they don't know about the detentions. Draco realises this, and takes a step backward, giving me a sideways glance. There is a long pause before Harry speaks. 

"It's none of your business, Draco. Why are you even here?!" I sit up, glaring at Harry. "Just go why don't you-"

"I'm her friend too, Harry. And sometimes I wonder if she even has friends in you lot-" 

"Oi, boys that's enough." I snap, standing up. They both have inched closer to one another. I stand between them. "He is my friend Harry. He can be here if he wants." 

"I think he has a bit more than friendship on his mind-" Ron buts in, 

"Ronald, shut it." Hermione says, holding up her hand. 

"We are just friends!" Draco and I yell in unison. 

"Sure. Whatever." Harry says, "If he has that capability..." 

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I say, turning to Harry, 

"He's using you, Clara! Can't you see that?" 

"Are you serious, Potter? Using her?" Draco snarls, 

"Weak little-"  Harry starts,

"Weak? Try me."



"Try me!" 

"Draco, I think you should go." I say sternly. He looks at me in disbelief. 

"Me?! What about-"

"Draco." He stops, sighing. He lightly squeezes my shoulder, glares at Harry, then turns and walks away. Ron, Hermione, Harry and I stand in silence. I go to place my hand on Harry's shoulder, but he turns away. He glances up at me, then walks away down the corridor. He looked so small. Angry, yes, but concerned. He was worried. Genuinely. For me. I sigh, giving Hermione and Ron a look before pushing passed Ron to follow Harry. I run down the corridor following him, I turn the corner. 

"Harry !"

I almost run straight into him. He stands just around the corner, arms folded, and gives me a tired smile. It's only now I see how tired he looks. The faint dark circles under his eyes, his messier-than-normal hair. I sigh, smiling back. He motions for us to walk on, and I take his arm. We walk in silence until we reach a part of the corridor that is open air. He walks over to the wall, leaning on it. I go and stand next to him, smiling out over the view of the lake. 

"Just..." He mumbles, glancing over to me, "be careful, please." I open my mouth to speak but he continues, "I mean, I know how that sounds, especially coming from me, but- Just- Don't do anything stupid." 

"I'll try," I say, smiling at him. "You know," I hesitate, do I really want to bring this up? "I get them too, your dreams. They don't keep me up like they do you but, um, I see them." 

"Really? I thought that potion Snape gave you-" 

"It obviously isn't strong enough. But, I don't mind it. Us being connected. Unless you..."

"No, no I don't either." We pause for a minute. 

"Listen, I'm sorry about before, with Draco. I just get so angry and-"

"I know. I feel that too. Thankfully for me, however, it seems it's second hand anger. I just know you're angry. The dreams are definitely mine, though. Sometimes they keep me awake, other times I can ignore them." 

"I can't ignore them." Harry says earnestly, and I sigh, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. 


After dinner, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I are the last ones awake. It's storming outside and the rain thrums against the glass windows with ferocity, only sometimes overpowered by the crash of thunder and flash of lightening. I'm sitting on one of the large armchairs, reading a book for potions. Hermione is standing by the window, looking out. Ron and Harry are having some sort of conversation about Quidditch. 

"He's really out there, isn't he." Hermione murmurs, turning back to us. She sighs. 

"Who?" Ron asks, looking up. 

"We have to learn how to protect ourselves. Umbridge isn't teaching us anything. We need to learn actual defensive magic." 

"And who do you propose will teach us?" I ask, not looking up from my book. Admittedly, she is right, but not a single teacher in this whole school would willingly go against Umbridge. 



Ok so this isn't actually very good but I have very little inspiration soooooo

Taylor xx

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