-Chapter 38-

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He's gone.

Suddenly, someone rushes passed me. I snap out of my daze, looking up to see Harry gone. No. I turn just in time to see him disappear around a corner. I don't need an explanation. He's gone after Bellatrix. Alone.

I kick off at a run, slamming my aching feet into the stone as I sprint out of the room after him.

"Clara no-" Lupin yells after me, but I'm gone. I follow the sound of footsteps echoing down the hall, but then they stop. I slow, heaving. I have to find him. I can't lose him too. I walk slowly, quietly, waiting for any noise to send me in the right direction. I hear a high pitched cackle, then a scream.

I bolt towards the noise, turning corners and skidding down the tiled corridors when I finally come into the hall where people enter the ministry. It is dark, cold, unlit fireplaces line the walls. I spot Harry, wand drawn, pointing it at Bellatrix, who is on the floor, alive. Slowly, I make my way across to them, when a spiral of black smoke appears, circling Harry. I freeze, my heart in my mouth.


Clinging to my wand for dear life, I try to get a hold of myself. Stop it. You cant freak out now. Level headed and thinking straight. Get it together.

Voldemort materializes behind Harry, amused and watching as Harry raises his wand to Bellatrix.

"Do it!" He hisses,

"No." I cry, stepping forward towards Harry, "Harry I swear to god. Don't you dare."

Harry turns, attempting to disarm him but with a wave of Voldemorts hand, Harry's wand flies to the ground. Voldemort looks at Harry, relishing in disappointment. He is so pale. Dead looking. No hair, not much of a face- The epitome of a monster.

"So weak," He hisses, his eyes flying to me, then to Harry.

One of the fireplaces bursts to life in a flash of green flame. I jump, my eyes darting over and meeting Dumbledores. He left Hogwarts when the Army was discovered, though I had to find out from a Slytherin second year. That doesn't matter now. Voldemort immediately looks up at him, and I take the opportunity to rush to Harry's side, grabbing his arm. He glances at me, not sure how to react.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight Tom. The Aurors are on their way. " Dumbledore says in a stern voice.

"By which time I shall be gone, and you shall be dead."

With a wave of his hand, Dumbledore throws Harry and I across the room, when I look up, Voldemort and Dumbledore are locked together in a duel- Green light meeting red, connecting their two wands. Harry and I have our backs pressed to the side of one of the fireplaces. He is breathing heavily. Shaking, I reach my hand out to find his. He takes it firmly, holding it as if our lives depend on it.

Voldemort starts trying to hit us with spells, breaking the tiles above us. We hunch down, trying to cover our heads. Seeing that it isn't working, Voldemort breaks away and conjures a huge snake made of flames. I freeze. Dumbledore hits it with one spell, then another, until it bursts apart, flames curling back to Voldemort. Dumbledore then uses water from the large fountain behind Voldemort, pulling it from its pool and circling it around he who must not be named. Harry gently pulls on my hand, and we hobble over behind Dumbledore, enjoying the relative quiet. Suddenly, the sphere of water breaks and Dumbledore once again pushes us from our feet.

Dumbledore throws another spell at Voldemort, which he seemingly absorbs. They are locked together for a brief moment before a blast of energy explodes from him, throwing Dumbledore backwards and breaking every window. The glass from these windows falls, crashing to the ground around Voldemort and he grins, raising his hands. The glass rises with them, spiralling upwards, then crashing down towards us. I press my faces down into my hands, closing my eyes. Instead of pieces of glass, however, Harry and I are hit by sand. We look up, seeing the anger in Voldemorts eyes. We get to our feet, staring at him before he disappears.

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