-Chapter 28-

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"And you call yourself a Potter."

I falter, the words hitting me like a punch to the gut. No. No. I try to hold my tears back, but I can't and look up at Harry with glassy eyes.

"Harry-" I croak,

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Draco snaps, stepping up behind me. I can't move. I can't.

"I hope you're proud of yourself, Malfoy." Hermione spits, grabbing Harry before he launches himself at Draco, and turning him away, "You turned her into a Death Eater. Just. Like. You."

Draco opens his mouth to speak, but I grab his arm. "There's no point, Draco."  He shakes my arm off but I take it again, and he looks at me with a pained expression. "Not now."

He turns, leading me towards the Slytherin common room.As we walk, our knuckles lightly brush up against each other. I should take his hand. I should. I just- What if he's angry at me? That would be awkward. That would make everything worse.

Suddenly, he slips his hand into mine, holding it firmly. I glance at him, then back to the corridor ahead of us.

"You should have just done it." He says quietly,


"Taken my hand. You were thinking about it, I could tell."

"What? No, I wasn't-" I lie.

"You were thinking about something-"

"Could have been anything."

"-When you think about small things, your forehead creases up, right between your eyebrows. Like when you draw, or during class." He hesitates, blushing, "Anyway when you think about big things you bite your lip. Like before the Tri-Wizard Tournament, or before a test. Therefore you were thinking about a small thing."

"And you assumed it was you?"

"Well, I don't know. I suppose I did." He starts to pull his hand from mine, but I hold it tighter.

"Well you were right, I was thinking about taking your hand. But you aren't a small thing, you most definitely biting lip worthy." We glance at one another, then burst out laughing.

"I'm flattered." He chuckles, "And I'll try to ignore any innuendo associated with it."

I elbow him, rolling my eyes. "That's not what I meant!"

"Do you deny it?"

I blush, "No," I whisper. He smirks.

When we finally reach the common room, there is little to no light coming through the windows, and the temperature has dropped significantly. I shiver, stepping over the threshold and into the dimly lit room. A congregation of first years seem to have claimed a fire to my right. They sit on the floor, talking in a small circle. They rotate every now and again, so everyone gets a turn with their back to the fire.

Draco walks straight to the end of the room, where Blaise, Pansy, Crabb and Goyle are loitering around a smouldering fireplace. Draco jumps over the back of the couch, landing in its centre. I follow his lead, landing to his right. I shiver down into the cushions, trying to immerse myself in some kind of warmth. I close my eyes. Harry's words echo through my head. How could I call myself a Potter? I had given in. I lost. Death Eater. Like him. That's what Hermione said. I feel a lump in my throat burn, but I try to ignore it.

I feel something heavy get dropped on me, and my eyes flicker open. Draco sits down next to me, pulling a heavy jumper over his head. He nods to the one he dropped on me. I sit up, watching as other Slytherin students close the heavy drapes over the windows and the lights brighten, almost making it feel warmer.

"Put it on," Draco says, and I sit up, pulling the jumper over my head. It's a deep emerald green and it smells like him. I want to live in it. Draco chuckles as I bury my face in the heavy wool, smelling hints of mint, woodfire smoke, and him. I can't describe his smell. It smells like safety. the jumper is way to big for me, and it balls up at my wrists, covering half my hand.

Blaise gets up and waves the others away, and I roll my eyes at him.

We sit in silence for a moment, before I speak. I need to ask him something. It's been burning in the back of my mind all day.

"What Blaise said the other day, is it true?"

Draco falters, "No! No, it was a joke honestly the git decided to say that out of context and make me look like a pervert I don't actually want to have sex with you in the Slytherin common room!"

I laugh, "No no, I mean the other thing."

"The other thing?"

"The other thing."

"Oh, er, yeah. I guess." He says quietly, looking away from me.

"Why won't you ask me yourself?"

He sighs, "I didn't think it was the right time. You've been snowed under by stuff and I just didn't want to- I wanted it to be- I don't know. I didn't think it was right." I stay quiet, "And also, that whole thing about ruining a friendship is true. You really are my best friend and I don't want us to not be friends anymore."

"Hey! I hear that! I thought I was your best friend!" Blaise yells from the other side of the room, and I look over to see Pansy hit him over the head, mouthing 'sorry' at me.

Draco ignores him. He sucks in a breath, hands balling into fists. I smile at him. "That was really hard for you, wasn't it?" He nods slowly. "Well then," I sit up, making my face a bit closer to his. "I suppose I'll have to. Would you like to be my boyfriend, Draco?"

He hesitates, and a grin spreads across his face, "I don't know, I'll have to think about it." I hit him, and he laughs, "Yes. I would."

I smile at him, sitting up so that I can kiss him. I press my mouth to his, my hands brushing against his jaw. He hugs me to him, holding me as his mouth opens slightly to mine.

"Hey! We agreed; no sex in the common room lovebirds," Lindsey yells at us, and we break apart, blushing.


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