-Chapter 6-

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Harry, Ron, Hermione and I walk into  the Gryffindor Common room humming. The prospect of Umbridge as a teacher is horrific. We step into the buzzing common room, glancing around at the familiar faces. Then the buzzing stops. All eyes fall on us- Harry and I. I gulp, glancing at Harry. We continue to make our way towards the dorm rooms, when Harry spots a Daily Prophet  in the hands of Seamus. I peer over at it, seeing the headline. 

Potter, Plotter?

I stiffen, grimacing at Harry, who turns to Seamus and Dean, who are both seated on two large red armchairs. 

"Dean, Seamus, Have a good holiday?" Harry says in an almost friendly tone. 

"Alright. Better than Seamus's anyway," Dean replies, 

Seamus puts down the paper, and stands up, walking towards Harry and I. 

"Me mam didn't want me to come back this year," Seamus says, 

"Why not?" 

"let's see, er, because of you two," My eyes fly to his. I glare at him, "The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about ya Clara. And about Dumbledore as well. Says you're all a bunch of liars, actors-"

"What and your mum believes them?!" Harry growls, giving Seamus a look of disbelief. 

"Well no one was there the night Cedric died, and you can't prove he's your brother, Clara, you both could be complete-"

"Well I guess you should read the Daily Prophet then like your stupid mother, it'll tell you everything you need to know!" I snap, stepping forward,

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!"

"I'll have a go at anyone who calls me or my brother a liar!"

"Nice acting," Seamus sniggers,

"Say that again I dare you," I growl, stepping closer. I can throw a punch right? Can't be that hard. 

"Oi whats going on?" Ron interrupts, walking up to Seamus and I. 

"They're mad is what's going on! Do you believe the rubbish they're coming out with about-"

"Yeah, we do. Now, does anyone else have a problem with them?" Hermione buts in, stepping between Seamus and I. She then takes my arm, walking me up the stairs to the dorm room and shutting the door behind us. 


I follow Hermione into the bustling classroom, closing the door behind me. I look up to see students from Slytherin and Gryffindor loitering around the classroom, catching up with friends and watching as people launch small paper birds into the air. I follow Hermione down the walkway between the desks until I see Draco. He sits to my right on the far seat of a desk. He smiles at me. Hermione turn around to look at me, and wave me over to a desk she found opposite Harry and Ron. I wince at her, nodding my head towards Draco. She rolls her eyes, sending me a sly smile, which I then roll my eyes at, as she sits down. I place my things on the desk and slip next to Draco. 

"Hey," he greets, moving his books over to make more room,

"Hi," I smile. He grins back, eyes flittering back to the desk. 

"Good morning Children." We turn to the back of the room where Umbridge stands. All her clothes are pink, and her short hair is curled. One of the paper birds falls burnt to the desk of the Patil sisters, who scowl. Umbridge begins to move forward to the front of the room. "Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations." She says, waving her wand at the chalk board, "O, W L's, More commonly known as OWLs." She finishes at the front of the room, with this written in cursive on the blackboard. Harry smirks at her. 

"Study hard, an you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences will be severe." She says, before sending us a painful smile. She waves her wand at the piles of books on the desk by the blackboard. They float off the desks and begin distributing themselves to each of us students. 

"Your previous instruction on this subject has been disturbingly uneven," Every now and then her voice goes up, making her sound a bit like a mouse. "But you'll be pleased to know that from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry Approved course." I flick through the pages of the book before me. It's cover has two animated young wizards and witches, smiling into a cauldron. How positively muggle of them. I see Hermione put up her hand.

"Yes dear,"

"There's nothing in here about learning defensive spells." Hermione says, lowering her hand. Umbridge walks over to her. 

"Using spells?" Umbridge scoffs, "Why I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." To get rid of you, you stupid pink mouse. 

"We're not going to use magic?" Harry buts in. She sighs, glaring at him. 

"You will be learning about spells in a secure, risk free way." I give her a look of disbelief, 

"What use is that?" Harry asks 

"If we're going to be attacked it won't be risk free," I hiss, 

"Students will raise their hand if they wish to speak in my class," She scorns, turning and walking back to the front of the classroom. Draco raises his eyebrows, giving me a look. I sigh. 

"It is the view of the Ministry," Umbridge says, turning to face us, "That a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which after all, is what school is all about!"

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?!" Harry asks, 

"There is nothing out there dear! Who do you imagine would want to attack children like yourself?"

"Oh I don't know," I say in a condescending tone, "Maybe, Lord Voldemort," Draco elbows me, but I don't turn away from Umbridge. She looks around the room, which has fallen silent. 

"Now let me make this, quite plain," She says, walking towards me, "You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This. Is. A. Lie." I grit my teeth. 

"It's not a lie Harry saw him! He's back! A boy has died!" I Shout, standing up, my hands bawling into tight fists. 

"Detention Miss Potter!" I swear I could see joy in her eyes when she said this,

"What so according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?" I argue, holding my stance. 

"Cedric Diggery's Death was a tragic accident-"

"Voldemort killed him! He was murdered you must know that!" 

"Enough!" She shrieks, I stop. 

"See me later, Miss Potter. My office." She says calmly. She chuckles. Draco lights takes my hand, pulling me back into my seat. I pull my hand back, opening them to see how my nails have marked my skin. Draco glances at them, then looks away. I drop my hands to my lap. I feel his hand, gently, slip into mine, lightly squeezing it. Reassuring me. She gives us work, then sits back at the front of the room and watches. We mutter and talk among ourselves. 

"I hate her, I hate her already," I scowl, and Draco nods. 


Sorry it's a bit late and a bit bad but I'm sick

I was thinking of doing a video about how I've written Clara and Draco? Like why they became friends and everything? Thoughts?



Taylor xx

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