-Chapter 15-

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I sit outside the hospital wing on a wooden bench. The paintings around me are quiet and still, calm compared to the ones that adorn the other castle halls. My feet tap together, and I am hunched over slightly, watching as they gently collide. My hair falls around my face in damp waves. It's been about an hour since Draco was admitted to the hospital wing. Anger boils in my stomach when I think about the game. How could he? How could they? To be honest, I'm not particularly convinced that either side deserves my loyalty, but I also notice that I am sitting outside the hospital wing waiting for one to be healed, not with the other. I shouldn't be so easily convinced by him. His stupid smirk. His stupid face. I would punch it if I knew he would at least try and punch back, but alas, neither of us are particularly skilled in Muggle combat. We'd both end up looking like idiots. 

I hear Madam Pomfrey call my name from inside. I rise, trying to figure out what to say. I make my way into the hospital wing and through a maze of white curtains until I finally find Draco. He's sitting on the edge of the of the beds,  legs hanging over the side, shirtless. Shit. I freeze when I see him, blushing. A bandage covers his lower torso, but I can see dark bruises poking out from behind them, a stark contrast against his pale skin. He smirks at my look of surprise, though doesn't seem at all uncomfortable. 

"Hello Draco, are you feeling better?" I say, knowing how clinical and rehearsed I sounded. He gives me a weird look. 

"Why so formal? yeah, I'm feeling almost normal. For some reason, they're keeping me in here, though. Your bloody brother-"

I grit my teeth and storm up to him. "How could you be so awful? So cruel?!" I yell, There's still a faint flicker of amusement in his eyes. Little Bastard. "How could you be such a git?! Couldn't you put your energy towards something slightly more positive than writing a whole bloody song for Ron to make him feel like shit, like, I don't know, perhaps drawing? Your actual school work? But oh no, Draco Malfoy can do whatever the hell he wants and hurt whoever he bloody well wants to because his father's a death eater and he can!" 

I said death eater. That flicker fades from his eyes. He knows I'm serious. I'm pacing around the room, yelling at the top of my lungs. 

"Ron fought to get into that team. He worked for it. It's been a dream of his for years, and you just had to ruin it for him?! Cause he isn't rich? Cause Harry wanted to his friend and not yours?! You've got some serious problems, Malfoy. YOU may have bought your way into the Quidditch team - don't deny it - But he worked for it. Have you ever had to do that, eh? And I KNOW he isn't the best at the game and YES he was doing an awful job but that does not give you license to break his spirit entirely! He was trying his best, you arse, and you had to make him feel like even his best wasn't good enough." 

I pause for a moment, and all I can hear is his breathing. I know I've won. He knows I've won. 

"And no, I don't think it's ok that Goerge and Harry both jumped you like that- They've both grown up with siblings, Harry's even had a muggle one- They have had to fight before, and no offence, but you're not the strongest person in the world, not that you have a bad body or anything, but you never had to do anything like that before. But there is no way in hell that it will ever be ok for someone to do what you did to Ron." 

The silence that hung in the air was thick. Harsh. 

"Also- Never tell me that me standing up for you is 'cute'. It makes me feel like shit, too. And if you ever sing that song again, I kick you so hard you'll go blind. You get me, Malfoy? Blind. Never again." 

He looks down at his feet, slightly embarrassed. As much as I don't want to stand down, I'm worried I've hurt him. 

"Um, well, I'm going to go now. Bye." I turn to leave, but he speaks up. 

"I'll tell them not to sing it again. Ever. And, well- I'm sorry alright?" I turn to meet his grey eyes and smile at him. 


"I'll even apologise. To his face. On one condition-"

My heart leaps. Ron would enjoy every minute of having Draco say sorry to him. He would love it. Draco would be humiliated. "What?!"

He smiles.

"You kiss me." 


Sorry about the short chapter but yeah ok

Thanks for reading!

Taylor xx

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