-Chapter 9-

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"WHY," thump, "DIDN'T," thump "YOU," thump, "TELL ME" I throw my bag at Draco, and he scrambles to catch it.


"What was the point of not telling me?!"


"Prefect for Slytherin House and you DIDN'T TELL ME!" I screech,

"Because I didn't want you to feel left out!" Draco yells, trying to hide a smile. I rubs his hand over his side where I repeatedly hit him with my bag.

"Left out?! I feel pretty left out right now actually for a matter of-"

"Because Weasley and Granger are prefects for Gryffindor!"


"And you aren't!" He yells, exasperated. I sigh, folding my arms.

"I don't get your point." I say stubbornly. Oh I get his point. And to be honest I did feel a bit betrayed about being not-chosen. He rolls his eyes.

"Because you were like, raised by the teachers and they didn't pick you. I was worried maybe you would feel disappointed, and there is nothing worse than feeling disappointed about not getting something and everyone around you getting it." He states, tossing my bag back. I try to catch it but it falls to my feet. In an attempt to look like I meant for it to happen, I make a point of not looking at the bag, ignoring it. I'm in the middle of an argument. I don't need to look even more like a klutz.

Chuckling, Draco walks over to me, picks up my satchel, and puts it over my head so it hangs off my shoulder. I don't make eye contact, despite how close our faces are. I look up, and our eyes meet for a split second before he jumps back, brushing his hands on the front of his uniform as if they were covered in dust. Which they weren't.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I was trying to be nice,"

"It wasn't very nice to find out from Lavender Brown, let me tell you!" I say, and he smiles at me. I sigh, looking up at him. I give him a weak smile. We start to walk down the corridor. It's completely empty- No one visits this part of the castle after five anyway. A faint blue light shines in the windows and illuminates our faces. It's just on the cusp of too dark- Any darker and the torches that adorn the walls will flicker to life.

"Have you had any more detentions, lately?" Draco asks, glancing at me. I shake my head,

"No, thank god."

"That's good. What do you think about the whole 'High Inquisitor' thing?"

"I think it's total bullshit. She's not the headmistress, she can just drop it. And the whole inquisitorial squad thing? If that happens I'm telling you-"

"Dad wants me to join that," Draco winces, "And I think I might. If it happens."

I nod, and we walk in silence for a moment.

"I don't mind if you do, I just- Don't think she deserves your loyalty."

"Yeah," Draco says, "After what she put you through, she doesn't. I just don't think I'll have a choice."

"Ooh, protective Draco?" I chuckle, and he rolls his eyes at me.


We walk, chatting to each other, until we round a corner and are swamped by students all pushing passed each other trying to get through to the courtyard. Someone grabs my arm- I turn to see Ginny, looking at me desperately.

"Clara! It's Trelawney!" She says, pulling into the crowd. Draco, clinging to my other sleeve, follows us through. Trelawney? What could have happened? Sybill and I had always been quite close, since I loved her classroom so much. I would sit on the seats as a small child, flicking through the Divination books and looking at all the pictures as she watched on cheerfully. I'd always enjoyed her classes when I started school. Divination is just so fascinating, if not a bit confusing; being able to see the future is terrifying and exhilarating, but sometimes it's hard to see whether it's true or not. Whether you're seeing what you want to see or what you should see. Finally, we push our way to the front. That's when I see what's going on.

Sybil stands surrounded by her suitcases of different sizes. Her hands clutch at the multicolour bag she carries around all the time. She is shaking. Filch walks out, carrying one final suitcase and sits it in front of her. She stumbles backwards, sitting speechless on top of her largest one. The crowd separates to make room for Umbridge who walks proudly into the courtyard and stands before Sybill. Sybil goes to walk up to her but runs into her suitcase, muttering nonsense under her breath, she makes her way around it to get to Umbridge.

"S-Sixteen years I-I've lived and taught here," She stutters, her voice soft. Breaking. I gasp. No. No. Not Trelawny. Not my Sybill. Not the Sybill who taught me to walk, who made me tea when I was four despite the other teachers saying no. Not the Sybill who went out of her way to throw me an 11th birthday party and a fake sorting ceremony so that I wouldn't feel left out. I take in a shaky breath, but Draco's hand reaches my arm, holding me back before I even take a step forward.

"Hogwarts is my home!" She sobs. "You can't do this!"

"Actually," Umbridge says, smiling and holding up the letter, "I can." Sybil almost keels over at those words, I shake Draco off my arm, push past the last few spectators and run over to her. Almost sobbing myself, I wrap an arm around her, glaring to Umbridge. Sybill starts to cry into my shoulder.

"Some thing you would like to say, dear?"

"You have no right," I choke, "Not her. You have no right,"

"I think you'll find, I do."

"You can't! She's my family, you cow, you mess with her, you mess with me." These words may have had more impact if I wasn't crying. Umbridge tilts her head, then looks up over my shoulder. I hear footsteps.

"Clara, take Sybill inside." McGonagal says. But I won't. I can't. Instead, I press a kiss into Sybills forehead and say a few words of encouragement, before sending her to McGonagal. I take a step forward, eyeing Umbridge.

"How dare you, you aren't headmistress! You're just a fowl toad who doesn't know her place!" I yell, hands balling into fists. The courtyard is silent. Even Umbridge is quiet. She smiles.

"Detention, Miss McGonagal."

My eyes scan the faces of the crowd around the courtyard until their meet Draco's. He gives me a look of pity, and shakes his head. I've made a big mistake.



Thank you so much for over 1000 votes on The Sister #1. Thats crazy. You guys rock.


Taylor xx

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