-Chapter 35-

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I scream.

A thousand white-hot knives stab me all at once. I fall off the chair onto the floor, writhing as I am constricted and ripped open. Burnt and cut. Pain rushing through me, my head roaring. But I don't give in. I press my forehead into the cold stone and hold on

"Tell her Harry!" Hermione's voice cuts through the pain, and it retreats. Suddenly the world around me jolts back, and I shudder as feeling returns to me. 

"Tell me what?"

"Well if you won't tell her where it is, then I will."

"Where what is?"

"Dumbledore's secret weapon." 

Their words echo through me and I start to sob, loudly, into the stone. I feel people move around me, and the door slam shut. Everything is silent. Draco says something to someone, and more people leave the room. My throat burns as I sob, hands pressed onto my ears. I feel someone's hands on me, gentle, caring, pulling me up and into a tight embrace. Draco doesn't say anything, he just holds me as I sob into his robes. They know. They all know. 

I don't know if I'm relieved or terrified. I don't want to look up, to see their faces mournfully looking down at me. I don't know what to tell them. Draco kisses the top of my head, then looks up. 

"This is what she's been going through for half this fucking year while you lot were angry. She tried to tell you, you know. She tried to explain herself, but you wouldn't listen." 

"Draco-" I croak, 

"She loved that club you guys had. She loved it. Do you really think she would give that up easily? Clara is fiercely loyal. She would never give anyone away unless she had no other choice."

I blush a little at his speech, smiling just a tiny bit at each word he says. The pain in my gut aches as I move to look up at them, but they won't look at me. They stare at other things, pretend to study the plates Umbridge has hung on the walls. Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle have left, leaving the group to stand awkwardly across the desk from us. 

Neville glances around at them, then back at me. "I tried to tell you lot, you know." He says quietly. 

"Shut up Neville," Ron whispers, elbowing him. I stare up at Neville hopefully with tear stained eyes. Did he? Would he really? A warm feeling spreads through me. Neville still cares.

"Really?" I murmur, 

Neville nods, "Because of my parents, I don't know I just thought of saw how you were acting. Some of the things you did remind me of my parents, though obviously not as bad as them."

I stay silent, shifting my weight and trying to stand, but my legs feel like jelly and I fall sideways. Draco stands up, pulling me to my feet and steadying me. I cling to his arms for support as feeling returns to my legs. Gulping, I turn to the others. 

"What Harry saw, I don't think it was real."

No one dares to argue with me. 

"It didn't seem right. By all means go with him, but be on your guard."

They glance at one another, then slowly file out of the room passed Draco and I. Neville goes last, shutting the door softly behind him. I look up at Draco.

"What you said-"

"I shouldn't have done that it wasn't my speech to make." He says quickly, 

"No. Thank you." I say quietly, he looks up in disbelief. 

"I thought you'd be angry."

"Well, I'm not."

I look down at my hands clinging to his arms and I sigh. He's not going to like this. 

"I have to go with them."

"What? No!"

"Yes. I do."

"You need to go to the Hospital wing, you can barely stand."

"I'm fine."

"You're holding onto me so tight I can't feel my hands."

I let go of him, regretting that decision as I stumble back onto the chair behind me. Fuck. 

"Ok, so maybe I can't walk yet, but I have to go. If Harry dies-"

"And what about you?"

I hesitate, looking into his desperate eyes. He looks terrified. 

"What about me?"

"What if you die? What then?" I don't know what to say, "Exactly. I can't come with you because if my dad shows up he'll know about us. If you die-"

"I'll be dead."


"Draco, he's all the family I have. If he dies, I'd have nothing."

"You'd have me."

"That's different." 



"Yeah. How."

"It just is, ok! Stop being like this!"

"Stop caring?"

"No!" I yell, "Never do that. Just- I have to do this, Draco. I'm sorry." 

Draco stares at me, then groans. "Come back alive or I'll kill you."

"Ok," I say, standing slowly. It seems my feet are working now.

 I take his hand, just in case, leading him down the stairs and out the classroom door. We stand, staring at each other in the corridor for far too long. 

Draco gulps, taking in a shaky breath. Quickly, desperately, he leans down and kisses me. He has one hand on my jaw, the other on my waist, pulling me closer. The kiss is painful, perfect, addictive, as my arms loop around his neck and pull him to me, deepening it, opening my mouth to his.  

We break apart, our lips still so close they almost touch, our breathing heavy. He pulls me to him feverishly, hopelessly into an embrace, our faces so close our eyelashes touch. I close my eyes, feeling how close he is to me. I want to memorise him. The taste of his toothpaste, the smell of his skin, the feeling of his hair between my fingers, the feeling when he smirks while we kiss, the way he smiles, not smirks, when I laugh. The sound of his laugh. He's my best friend. I don't want to say goodbye to him now. 

I didn't think about how I could die before. The detentions never felt like this. Like this really could be the last time I see him. The lump in my throat starts rising and my lips beg for one last kiss, but I can't give in. Now is not the time. 

"That was one hell of a goodbye," I manage, laughing a little. He chuckles. 

"Stay safe," He whispers. I nod, holding in a sob. I turn away from him, my hands slipping out of his hair and his hand from my waist. I run down the corridor away from him, wiping the tears from my eyes. I don't have time for this now. 


Yes this has been like three chapters in one week but I wanted to and also procrastination 

I have pre-written like five other chapters but you won't be seeing them until at least next weekend because I need to save some

I thought this was a good place to end the updates for this weekend anyway whoooop

Thank you all for your comments! I promise I see them though sometimes I don't know how to respond!


You all and wonderful and I value every one of you x

Taylor x

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