-Chapter 34-

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"We are talking about the same person? The Harry that made your life hell all year? The Harry that has treated you like shit?"

"Yes that Harry," I say, rolling my eyes as I lead Draco up staircase after staircase.

"Are you insane? He-"

"Is my brother, Draco. No matter what he's done to me or how he's treated me this year he's still my brother." Draco grabs my arm, and I turn to him. He gives me a pleading look,

"He hurt you, Clara."

"What if it was me, and you knew I was walking into a trap. No matter how much you hated me, you would not let me go alone. At least, I hope not." I argue, pulling my arm from his "He's the only family I have left."

Draco groans, giving in. I turn, running up the stairs and down a dimly lit corridor. My heartbeat thrums loudly in my ears as my pace slows, my eyes falling on the wooden door which I've dreaded for half the year.

"Clara, why are we here?"

"I know my brother-"

"That's great."

"And he would try to take the Floo Network to get to Sirius. The only chimney that is not under surveillance is in Umbridge's office."

Draco falls silent for a moment, his eyes burning into the back of my head. I try to ignore his breathing, his noise, so it's just me. So my heat will stop aching. She isn't there. You'll be safe. Draco is with you. Harry, Ron and Hermione are in there. But what if they aren't? You'll just look stupid. Foolish. In front of Draco. He won't like you anymore. You'll be alone. I take a breath. No. I have to do this.


I reach my hand out, empty, hoping that he will take it. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't ask any questions, he just slips his hand into mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. We walk slowly down the corridor, my eyes focused purely on the door ahead of me. When we reach it, I stare at the handle, unable to bring myself to open it. What if she is in there? What would she do to me?

Draco opens the door with his free hand, and steps inside first, looking around the dark classroom. He gently tugs on my hand, and I step inside quickly, shaking. The room is dark, cool, and I can hear voices. My heart stops for a minute, but then I recognise the voice- It's Harry. I was right.

I sigh with relief, letting go of Draco and running up the stone stairs, bursting through the wooden door and into the pink room.

"Stop!" I yell, ignoring the knot that forms in my stomach the moment the scent of perfume hits my nose. Not now. I don't have time for this.

Harry, Ron and Hermione turn, eyes widening in surprise when they see me.

"You saw it too then, did you?" Harry spits, turning back to the fire where green flames are licking at the stone.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Ron snaps, standing up, hands forming fists by his sides. I ignore him.

"Harry I don't think it was real," I say, my voice small. Why is it always so weak?

"That's great, thanks for the update. Piss of whenever you want. This has nothing to do with you." He growls. Hermione stays silent. She must think that it's a trap too.

"Hermione? Will you listen to me?" Her eyes flash up to mine, anger coursing through them.

"No. Like Harry said, we don't need you. You can go."


"Stop. Right. There." Her voice rings through me, ripping all courage, all hope from me and leaving a skeleton in my place. I lose all bravado, all energy. It seeps from me with every step she takes into the room. "Malfoy, get Mr Potter a seat and sit him in it."

Draco pushes passed me, pulling out a chair and pulling Harry over, forcing him down onto it. My eyes meet his for a brief second, and he gives me an apologetic, helpless look. He grabs my roughly by the arm, holding me behind Harry's chair. I turn back to Umbridge and watch as Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy push into the room, dragging a selection of Army members with them and lining them up on the other side of the desk. They watch as Umbridge stares at me, waiting for me to say something. I can't conjure up the courage to say a single word to her. She turns to Harry once we've stopped shuffling around her desk with a wicked smile.

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?"


She smacks him clean across the face. I hold back a cry, closing my eyes.

"You sent for me, Headmistress?" Snape's voice cuts through the room. I don't move.

"Ah yes, Snape. The time has come for answers whether they want to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veretasiram?"

"I'm afraid you used the last of my stores interrogating students," Snape says cooly, "Unless you wish to poison him, and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did, I cannot help you."

"He's got Padfoot!" Harry yells. My eyes fly open to see Snape leaving, Harry turned towards him, "He's got Padfoot in the place where it's hidden."

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is he talking about Snape?" Umbridge says frantically.

Snape pauses, glancing at Harry, then back to Umbridge. "No idea." He says, then turns and leaves. Umbridge huffs, thinking for a moment, before turning to Harry. She reaches for her wand. No. Not Harry. She can't do that to Harry.

"Very well, you give me no choice Potter. As this is an issue of ministry security, you leave me with no alternative. The cruciartus curse ought to loosen your tongue."

"No!" I took me a moment to realise that it's my voice ringing through the room, "No. You can't."

"Miss McGonagall, I think you'll find I can."

"No." I croak, "Not on him. You know it works on me, so use me, not him."

The smile that creases her face sickens me. "Very well, Potter, up. Now."

Harry scrambles to his feet, and I walk slowly over to the chair, pushing past him and sitting down. He glances at me, then at the others. I brace myself, closing my eyes and breathing deeply.

"It's illegal." Hermione hisses,

"Don't bother, Hermione. I've already tried it. It doesn't work." I murmur. She gasps. The silence that falls hurts me, cuts me as I hear them mumble amongst themselves. I wait, quiet for her to break me again.


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