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"Saving people hunting things the family business." 

I used to be scared of death, I mean most people are. But with the business I'm in, it happens too often to worry. I mean we need to face it sometimes the monsters win.

I was eight years old when I saw my mother die. We were camping my mom, dad and me. It was around eleven o'clock in an almost empty campground in the mountains of Montana. The air was cold and I could smell the dirt that still clung to my clothes from the hike earlier that day. We sat around the fire my dad roasted marshmallows, and my mom was singing our lullaby trying to get me to sleep. But I had too many S'mores to close my eyes. Looking back I can still hear her soft voice.

But it was interrupted by footsteps and movement in the nearby bushes. My dad got his gun. "Get back it might be a bear." He said standing between us and the noise.

That's what they said it was too, the park rangers, I mean. I remember the next morning my dad telling them that it was people that killed my mom with sharp teeth and claws. He yelled that they were werewolves but everyone thought he was in shock. He was still covered in my moms blood and I was still shaking with fear.

After my mom's funeral my dad packed what we had into the car and drove back to mountains in Montana. When we were out there he met hunters, not the ones that go after deer, and elk. The kind that keep us safe from monsters. My dad befriended them fast and learned their ways. He became a good hunter and trained me as he learned. We lost all connection with family, it was just me and dad in this new world.

That was a lifetime ago and dad died a few years back, went the same way as mom.

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