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"I am not a hero, but sometimes doing the right thing requires sacrifices." - Castiel

I woke up to an empty room. There was no sign of Cas. But not even a second later the door opened and he came in holding a tray.

"Breakfast." He said setting it down on the table in front of me.

"Thanks." I said sitting up slowly, trying not to get lightheaded.

"I can't heal you, at least I can get you food that will help." He said.

"I was watching you last night, looking at the stars. Do you miss it?" I asked him.

"Miss what?" He asked.

"Heaven, It's your home isn't it. It seems like you spend less time there than other angels."

"My feelings of home have changed, it's not a place, it's not heaven. It's wherever Dean and Sam are. Heaven and I have different thought about things. Here on earth with you, I know this is where I belong." He told me.

"Did you go rouge?" I asked.

"I made a choice and that choice was the Winchesters. Now eat, you need to build your energy." He told me.

After I ate I looked at the clock, I expected the guys to be here a while ago.

"Do you know where they are?" I asked Cas.

"The police station." He told me.

It seemed like forever but the guys finally showed up. Something seemed off about them.

"Were you guys dealing with the wolves?" I asked.

"Yeah, a little." Dean said.

"Well what do you have?" I asked. They both went silent, they didn't want to tell me something and I knew it. "What happened?"

"Someone else went missing." Dean said.

"Okay, well I know you guys will take care of this. You're the best." I told them, but they still seemed down.

"Lena, it was the mayors Daughter." Sam said.

"Abbey?" I asked.

Sam nodded.

"God dammit, you guys said you had this." I said getting out of the hospital bed trying to stay up on my shaking legs.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked holding onto my arm so I don't fall.

"I'm going to get her and kill these stupid wolves." I told him.

"You can't, you're too weak." Dean told me.

"Weak, Dean I will roast you like a marshmallow right now. Now is someone going to get me clothes or am I going to walk around town in this assless hospital gown?" I asked.

They didn't say anything.

"Cas can you get my bag?" I asked hoping he would cooperate.

He disappeared and came back a minute later with my bag.

"Thanks." I said taking it from him. I stumbled to the bathroom as I kept the back of my gown closed with the other hand.

It felt nice to be in my clothes, I shoved a gun with silver bullets into my jeans and suck a silver blade into my coat.

"Lena you can't do this." Sam said as soon as I got out of the bathroom.

"Don't tell me what I can and cant do Sam." I said with a cold voice.

"Lena-" He began again.

"No! you said you guys had this and now they took a little girl. I'm doing this with or without you." I said swinging my bag over my shoulder and walking down the hall the best I could after not walking for a while.

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