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"If I didn't know you, I would want to hunt you." - Dean Winchester.

I felt like I couldn't have been asleep more than a few minutes but I woke up and looked at my phone. It was four in the morning and I don't know why I'm awake.

"Lena." I heard a familiar voice say. It made my heart beat fast. "Don't ignore me, I know you can hear me."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You're using my power, you are just making our connection stronger. I miss you." He told me.

I got out of bed and turned the light on and looked around he wasn't in the room so it must be in my head.

"Look in the mirror sweetie, we are one." He told me. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were black but I saw the reflection of Lucifer inside them.

"No." I yelled as I shook my head.

This time I woke up for real, my light was still off and I was terrified that Lucifer was really here because part of me felt he was with me all the time.

I ran to the light an turned it on. I was relived that I didn't see him anywhere. I grabbed my coat from the end of my bed and walked the silent halls of the bunker to the kitchen. I grabbed ice cream out of the freezer and a spoon. I walked to the library and sat down at one of the long tables. I opened my laptop and started a new search hoping this time it would pick up Lucifer though I knew we wouldn't be that lucky.

"Hello love." A voice said from behind me.

I jumped and I felt the fear run down my spine.

"Why so jumpy?" Crowley asked.

I sighed in relief now that I knew it was him. "No reason." I told him.

"Its four in the morning and you're sitting her alone eating ice cream, something has to be wrong." He pushed.

"I just had a bad dream, no big deal." I told him.

"Was it about Lucifer?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter." I told him.

"Would you like some company?" He asked.

"Wouldn't hurt." I told him as I dug back into the ice cream. "So do you have any news on Lucifer or did you give up?"

"Of course I didn't give up, I got news feathers found something." He told me.

"Where's Rowena?"

"Either she ditched us as per usual or she's just late." He said going over to the whiskey bottle and pouring himself a glass.

"I didn't ditch you dear, I just needed to change." Rowena said coming into the room.

She wore a black form fitting dress. "You look good considering your age." I told her.

"Thank you sweetie, maybe when all this Lucifer business is done I can get you into a gown." She suggested.

"Don't be ridiculous mother. She's a hunter, they stick the their flannel, denim and leather." Crowley told her.

"I don't know, with this new power I could be the Queen of hell, of course I would need something else to wear." I told him.

He glared up at me from his glass. "Cute." He mumbled putting his feet up on the table.

"I know I am." I told him flipping my hair.

"I don't know how long it's been since I've hung out with another girl that I liked, and who didn't want to kill me." Rowena told me.

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