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"Well, whenever there's a world-ending crisis at hand... I know where to place my bets... It's on you... You big, beautiful, lumbering piles of flannel." - Crowley

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. It took everything I had to get out of bed. I stumbled to the bathroom to brush my teeth and change. I put my shoes on and checked my laptop.

The screen was black but as soon as it lit up it saw pictures of Lucifer. I grabbed my laptop and ran next door and rapidly knocked on the door.

Sam opened it, his hair was a mess and his eyes were half closed, like he just woke up.

"Get up Dean." I told the snoring lump in the other bed as I kicked it.

Dean sat up confused but got out of bed. "What's going on?" He asked.

"I found Lucifer." I said setting my laptop down and letting him see the picture. "This was off of an ATM camera in Watertown, New York yesterday."

"I'll call Cas and Crowley." Dean said grabbing the phone and leaving the room.

"Could he still be there?" Sam asked.

"Its our best lead." I told him.

A few minutes later Dean came back in followed by Cas. "We are meeting Crowley and Rowena on the way. Let's pack up and go." Dean said already starting to put clothes in a bag.

In A few minutes we were on our way, I followed the impala. I didn't understand why it was so hard for Cas and Crowley to find Lucifer. I had a bad feeling like it shouldn't have been this easy.

About an hour later we stopped outside a house. Everyone got out and I followed the guys up the steps. "Crowley?" Dean asked knocking on the door.

The door opened and Crowley stood inside. "Mother doesn't want to go." He told Dean.

Dean pushed his way past Crowley and into the house and the rest of us followed.

"You can't just pull me into cleaning up your mess again. I have a good thing going here." The firey red head said.

"You killed your boyfriend." Crowley told her.

"He changed, you try finding a good guy in this time." She said crossing her arms.

"Come on, we don't have time for this." Dean said grabbing her arm. She pulled out of his grip.

"Rowena you are the only one that can lock him up, we need you." Sam told her.

"Since you begged I'll go, but I'm riding with her. You're a cute one, don't get too mixed up with these guys." She said walking past me.

Dean sighed and rolled his eyes.

I was with Crowley and his mother and I could tell they didn't like eachother and this would be a long ride. Rowena sat up front and Crowley sat in the middle in the back.

"Why must you be such a pain mother?" Crowley asked.

"I didn't ask to get dragged into all this Lucifer stuff Fergus." She told him.

"Its Crowley." He corrected her.

"How are you going to get Lucifer into his cage?" I asked.

"Well dearie I'm a witch, I can do a lot of things." She told me.

Great, I'm carpooling with a Witch and Demon but not just a demon the freaking King of Hell. Things that usually want to kill me and that I kill. Though Crowley is unlike any Demon I've faced, surprisingly he's more sassy and friendly to at least me and the boys.

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