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"I thought you liked my singing!" - Lucifer

It seemed like months went by as I sat in this cage pacing from one side to the other listening to Lucifer talk and talk and sing, Stairway to Heaven over and over. I used to love the song but now I want nothing more than to rip that song straight from every Led Zeppelin playlist. I stopped watching what everyone else was up to a long time ago. They weren't getting anywhere and I gave up what little hope I had.

"Would you just shut up." I yelled at Lucifer as I slammed my fist against the bars.

"You're the one that got yourself stuck down here with me." He told me before he began singing again. "There's a lady who's sure, all that glitters is gold, and she's buying the stairway to heaven."

"You might not be able to hurt me but I can hurt you." I said lifting him by his shirt and pushing him against the bars.

He smiled. "Would you please let go, you're wrinkling my shirt."

I let out an angry sigh and let go of him.

"Hey I'm playing nice, who's the devil now?" He asked.

"Still you." I told him.

"Just go back to watching your little friends, your more tolerable when you do that." He said.

It's easier to deal with him when he cant hurt me, which makes being stuck in this stupid cage not as bad.

I closed my eyes and tried to find my way back to the bunker. The place was cleaned up and the bookshelves and tables were back in their places. Everyone was gone except Sam and Dean.  They both sat on at the table with their initials carved into it. Sam was on his computer and Dean was on the phone.

Sam closed his laptop and listened to whatever Dean was saying , I couldn't hear anything maybe because I haven't tried to see them in a long time. Dean hung up the phone and started talking to Sam. Within a few minutes he was on the phone again. Crowley and Rowena appeared again. It was good to see that they were still all getting along even though all the Lucifer stuff was done. I stopped watching. I couldn't go anywhere but the bunker, maybe because it was the last place I was before I came down here. I wondered how Boston was doing, did they get news of me being gone? Did the vamps take over again? I just hoped Sam and Dean wouldn't let that happen, they know how vulnerable it is.

"Done so soon." Lucifer asked.

"What's the point?"

"So it's finally hit you, your hope is gone, you've given up." He said.

"You just love to watch me suffer don't you?" I asked.

"Well there's not much else to do here." He said.

I began to hum Night moves, remembering back to when Sam and Dean sang it to make me feel better. It wasn't the song that made everything okay it was them letting go of their tough guy acts and acting like goofballs.

Time seemed to go by even slower, I don't even know how long I've been down here now. I laid on the floor of the cage and looked up at the top of it. I tried to imagine I was laying on grass and looking up at a dark night sky full of starts but my mind was shot from being down here I could barely imagine anything I couldn't even remember what anyone's voice sounds like except Lucifer who constantly talks. I couldn't remember how to get back to the bunker, I couldn't see anyone even if I wanted to. I was falling apart though I refused to let Lucifer see. I still had his power I used my finger to burn and draw pictures into the ground.

"You're ruining the place." He told me.

"Put a carpet over it." I said in an almost monotone voice.

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