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"Just 'cause you love someone doesn't mean you should stick around and screw up their life." - Dean Winchester

I appeared in my cabin. I dropped my bag on the ground and tried to keep the tears from spilling down my cheeks. I blocked myself from Cas so they couldn't find me. I needed to get away from them because I hate to admit it but I liked killing the wolves and I loved the feeling of their blood giving me more power. I knew this would only lead to worse things.

I grabbed a flashlight from one of the kitchen drawers. I walked around back and flipped on the switch to turn the electricity on.  I watched the cabin lights slowly turn on. When I got back inside I realized how abandoned the place really looked. Cobwebs hung from the celling and dust was covering everything. Dad's old leather chair was still by the fireplace the top of the footrest was worn from over the years. open and unopened bottles of whiskey were on top of the fridge, bookshelves and cupboards. I guess I never really realized how much he drank. I guess I always just saw him as this amazing hero until he died, after that I just started seeing the bad parts of him.

I grabbed the broom and began sweeping the webs off the celling. I spent the whole night cleaning to make it look like someone has been living here. I cleaned up my old room and the two guest ones we used incase other hunters or victims from hunts stayed which happened almost every time we were here. I slowly opened the door to my dad's room, memories started to flash in my head. I remember sitting on the bed as he talked on the phone with other hunters. I used to watch him track trails on maps and read through news papers as the radio in the corner played his old classic rock tapes.

This is were he decided I needed to go away. It was when I was becoming more of a teenager and maybe this whole life got to me. Dad thought an institution would make me more normal, I guess he didn't understand teenage girls. I lived in the institution for two years. For two years I was surrounded by crazy people, I tried to explain that I wasn't crazy I've just had a hard life. At some point I started to believe it though, maybe all the monsters were in my head. Finally dad came back to me and told me that it was all a big mistake. I knew that he felt guilt about that for the rest of his life. At least it made me a better hunter, I wanted to prove I was strong and that he couldn't send me back so being poked with needles and tied down. I wouldn't get slammed to the ground when I tried to get out, and I never wanted to be but on medicine where I couldn't control myself.

I quickly turned the lights off and closed the door, it wasn't the time for this. his room could stay how it is. It's not like he's going to be here again. I went through the cupboards, most of the cans of food were expired and the rest didn't look appetizing. I decided I wasn't hungry, instead I poured myself a glass of whiskey and decided to go shopping tomorrow.

I put an old western VHS into the TV because we didn't get cable all the way up here not that we really needed it. I sat on the couch and watched the beginning credits roll by with the cattle drive music and the sound of hooves hitting the ground.

"Lena." A voice said from beside me.

I didn't jump because I knew the voice too well.

"Crowley." I said back without looking at him. "What are you doing here."

"The boys called, they said you vanished and Castiel can't locate you." He told me.

"It was for the best, I blocked him so they and everyone else would stay away."  I told him.

"Well you didn't block me, so why are you hiding?" He asked.

"Because I'm to dangerous to be around, you should go." I told him.

"I'm the king of hell darling, you wont hurt me. Now are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to guess." He said pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

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