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"Remember me? The guy who died for your sins... No, not the guy with the beard and sandals, the hot one." - Gabriel.

I woke up to my phone ringing, I looked at the clock and it was only four in the afternoon.

"Yeah." I answered yawning.

"Are you in Boston?" Dean asked sounding mad.

"Now what would make you think that?" I asked sweetly.

"Because we're watching the news right now and Boston is on fire, which includes the blood dens we went to when we hunted with you." He told me.

"Okay not all of Boston is on fire just a few buildings." I informed him.

"Eleven Lena, eleven buildings are on fire."

"Okay eleven buildings." I said as I got out of bed.

"Dammit, I knew we should have followed you. What are you doing there anyway?" He asked.

"The vamps are getting out of control so I had to show them who's in charge." I told him.

"They aren't out of control Lena, you are." Dean almost yelled through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm a real mess." I said sarcastically before I hung up.

He called back right away and again I didn't answer.

If he would have worked as long as I did to get peace here he would have done the same thing. My phone rang again and this time it was Sam. I didn't answer knowing I would get the same disappointed tone from him.

I was laying on the bed when the familiar sound of wings echoed through the room. When I looked up I realized it wasn't an echo, there were two angels.

"Dean called, what's going on." Cas said sitting beside me on the bed.

I sat up. "Fine I'll go back  he didn't have to send the warden." I said getting off the bed and packing my bag.

"You set the city on fire." Castiel told me as if I didn't already know.

"It wasn't the whole city." I pointed out.

"So you're the one with my Bro's power." The other angel said.

"Who are you supposed to be?" I asked looking him up and down.

"This is Gabriel, Gabriel this is Lena, who's usually not like this." Cas said.

"Maybe you just don't know the real me." I said walking towards the new angel. He stuck out his hand for me to shake it but instead I kissed him. I don't know why it just seemed like the right thing to do. Maybe because Cas is right, I'm not myself. I'm better.

"I like her, no wonder Lucifer choose her. I mean she's cuter than Sam." Gabriel said.

Cas glared at him and rolled his eyes.

"Come on birdies." I said walking out the door.

"We're angels." Cas corrected me as he followed me out.

"You both have wings, same thing." I told him.

"Why are you acting like this?" He asked as he got in the car.

"Like what?" I asked.

"So she's a demon?" Gabriel asked looking at me from the back seat.

"No, her eyes just do that when she's being a brat apparently." Cas told him.

I looked in the mirror and my eyes were black again. He sounded like Dean and that annoyed me.

"Shut it." I told Cas as I started the car. He didn't respond. I looked over at him and it looked like he was trying to talk but nothing was coming out. "Sorry." I said as I snapped my fingers.

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