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"You're gonna fight. Harder than you ever have. Understand?" - Dean Winchester.

I checked on the blood den the next day.

"Twenty six have died so far from the medicine, and it's doing a good job keeping our kids on a leash." Cap told me as we walked through the den.

"That was the plan." I said.

I liked that I was back to my old routine. But it felt a little different now after hunting with other people for so long.

"We are going to need more though, the shipment that came in wasn't enough." He told me.

I stopped in my tracks.

"For our blood dens there was plenty." I told him.

"When the council heard about the medicine they opened more dens in a matter of days. We already have six more and over a hundred voulenteers. There are vampires coming from all over."

"That wasn't the point of the medicine, it was to keep the numbers of the vamps and volunteers down in this city. " I almost yelled.

He stayed calm. "Things don't always work out the way we want Lena." He told me as if I didn't already know that.

"If you can't keep your vamps out then I won't keep my hunters out. Go ahead and tell your council that and I will be canceling the next shipment." I told him walking away.

"You can't do that." He said grabbing me and pulling me back to him.

"I can though." I said pulling out of his grip.

I stormed out of the blood den, I knew I couldn't trust those blood suckers. They are the most common monster now. It's spreading so fast and I thought I could slow them down. I guess I was wrong.

My phone started to ring as I got into my hotel room. I threw my duffle bag  on the bed.

"What?" I answered the phone.

"Hey Lena." Dean's voice said.

"Is everything okay?" Sam added. I could tell that I was on speaker phone.

"I'm just about to kill every vampire in this city but other than that everything's fine." I told him.

"What's going on." Dean asked.

"Nothing I can't take care of." I lied. I didn't want then to know that I messed up. "I need a break from Boston, these vamps are driving me crazy."

"We are headed to a hunt close to you,  if you want to join I'll send you the details." Sam told me.

Even though I hate to admit it, I like hunting with the Winchesters. They make me want to do my best. "Sure,  I'll be there." I told him.

"See you soon." Dean told me before I heard the silence of him hanging up.

A text came through from Sam. I packed my stuff and left right away.

When I got to the police station an officer lead me into a room where Sam and Dean were already talking to a detective.

After the detective left, Sam filled me in. "This is the only one that was found an he was dead." He handed me a picture of an older guy. "He was a school teacher at the middle school."

"Any obvious markings or wounds that you've seen before?" I asked.

"No he just looked beat up." Sam told me. "He was stabbed but I don't know many things that just stab a victim and leave it, usually something is missing."

"Everyone missing is so different, they were probably chosen at random." Dean added.

Sam and I were on our laptops in their hotel room. We hacked into the cities security cameras. We went to the night the teacher went missing. We watched his car leave the school, but one he got to the main road he was surrounded by three cars. A bunch of men jumped out and grabbed him as one got in his car and followed. We changed camera following them as far as the camera went.

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