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"Sam and Dean are like my brothers, I love them." - Charlie Bradbury.

I slammed my laptop closed and rested my head on my arms on top of it. "Its been days and we have nothing." I mumbled into my arms.

"We'll find him." Sam told me.

I sat up again. "He's not showing up on any cameras, for all we know he could have changed vessels.  We haven't heard anything from Cas, Crowley and Rowena since they left. This is hopeless." I told him.

"Maybe you need something to distract you." Dean suggested.

"Like a hunt, you could use a little something to get you back on your feet." Sam said.

"Anything I'm going crazy here." I told him.

"There's something close by, check it out." Sam told me.

I read the screen over his shoulder. It was an old hotel with a few unexplained deaths over the years. "It looks fine, let's go." I said grabbing my gun.

"Slow down girl." Dean told me as he walked the opposite direction of me. He took his time getting packed, I think he knew it would drive me crazy.

The hotel was big and old but looked almost empty. I rushed in and took the lead.

"Health inspecter. There's been news that you have rats." I said showing the man at the front desk my badge.

"I can assure you we don't." He told me.

"I'm going to have to ask you to vacate the premises for 24 hours. Just so I can do a sweep and make sure." I told him.

"And who are these guys." The man asked motioning to Sam and Dean who followed me in.

"Exterminators. Now I would suggest you leave willingly as soon as possible just so this doesn't cause a commotion and word doesn't get out." I told him.

He looked between me and the guy's. "Thank God it's the slow season." He said handing me the full key ring. "Keys for every door is on this. Please call me if you find anything."

I should have felt bad for tricking the guy because it was so easy. But I guess it's his own fault, plus it's easier for us.

"So what's the deal with this place?" Dean asked as he unwrapped a candy from the bowl on the desk.

"When it was first built it was owned by a rich family. The dad was a gambler and he cheated and got himself, his wife and three kids killed." Sam said.

"Before that, the ground this places was built on is a burial ground for inmates of an old  jail a few miles down the road. Unmarked graves usually means pissed off spirits." I added.

"So we could be dealing with a family or crazy prisoners?" Dean asked.

"Or both." I pointed out.

We walked the halls of the old place for what seemed like hours.

"Maybe we should split up." I suggested. "Maybe they're intimidated  of us when we're all together.

"If anyone sees anything yell." Sam said heading off in a different direction.

Dean went the opposite way and I was left alone with a dark hallway in front of me. I took a deep breath and headed down it.

"Come out come out where ever you are." I whispered.

When I got to the end of the hall there were two more on either side of me. The left lead down to the lobby I knew because of the signs and the right lead to a lady in a bloody white night gown and she did not look happy.

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