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"I mean, come on we hunt monsters. Normal people, they see a monster and they run but not us we search out things that want to kill us. You know who does that? Crazy people." - Dean Winchester

I watched the sunset, as I sat on the trunk of my car out side the hotel as I waited for the guys.

"Why are we hunting at night, it would have been more safe during the day." Dean said getting out of his car.

"Darkness brings out the monsters." I told him talking more about myself than the actual monsters. "Most new vamps live together, and the new ones have no control. We'll start in the East side."

"Lead the way." Dean said getting back into his car.

I drove to the East side, this was the roughest part of town and that's how the vamp's like it. They say the blood is sweeter over here, but I think it's just easier to come by. I parked my car where I usually do in Sal's auto shop so gang members wouldn't mess with it.

"Do you know everyone in this town?" Sam asked.

I closed the garage door and locked it to keep our cars safe.

"I get called here quite a bit, Sal's a nice old guy I saved from getting torn up by new bloods. He lets me use his garage when I'm in town."

"So where to now?" Sam asked.

"Around the corner to the whore house."

"Whore house?" Dean asked surprised.

"Yeah it's where I get my info, most of the vamps aren't scared to sell each other out around here. They don't really live in nests anymore either." I told them.

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"Because you can't trust anyone, they are finally starting to learn."

I led the guys to the three story house, music blared out of every window an you could see the half naked girls through the curtains. I walked up to the door.

"What are you doing!" Dean asked in a loud whisper.

"Come on you baby." I told him.

I opened the door and walked in, there where vampires everywhere. "Just try to control yourselves these girls aren't for you." I told the guys.

The music slowly turned down.

"Lena, you're back." Jake said.

"Yeah you know the drill Jake." I told him.

I looked back at Sam and Dean. They held their weapons ready to fight. Dean caught my eye then looked around the room of vampires. I could tell that he was worried about what could happen.

"Everyone on this floor in one minute!" Jake yelled, his voice echoed through the house. Footsteps ran up and down the stairs, as vampires and people lined up against the wall in the room. I watched the clock until the minute was up.

"Check the rooms." Jake told two other vampires.

I scanned the crowd for the vampires on my hit list, most of them were here luckily. I grabbed them one by one and pulled them to the middle of the room. "What's going on here?" One of them asked.

"Don't worry about it." Jake told him. "The rest of you are free to go."

We had seven of the vamps on my list kneeling in front of me. "Well guys go ahead." I told Sam and Dean. But they didn't move.

I sighed and pulled out my blade, Jake's eyes followed it, knowing how dangerous I am to him. One by one I cut the heads off of the vampires, and they didn't even put up a fight.

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