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"I read you the moment I saw you and I'm sure you're learning that the line between good and evil is quote flexible. But we part company when it comes to blind devotion, case in point, the Winchesters you've made them the family you don't have, foolish." - Rowena

I woke up and took a quick shower. When I went to the kitchen Crowley and Rowena where there still. He still had a glass of whiskey and Rowena sat at the couch sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Oh you're up." She said standing from the couch. "I found a few more things we could try." She said flipping through the book.

"After mother went to sleep I looked through the book and found a few things she didn't mark." Crowley told me.

"You went though my book?" She asked.

"You left it out." He told her.

"I didn't mark some of the pages because I don't have all the ingredients." She told him.

"I'm the King of hell, I can get anything you need." He said.

"Fine then." She said flipping to a random page. Her finger traced the wording until she came upon something she liked. "The heart of a dragon?" She asked.

Crowley disappeared and reappeared a minute later with a heart in his hand. He dropped it on the table in front of Rowena and grabbed a towel from the kitchen counter to clean the blood off his hands.

"Well I'm going to the store, come on Crowley." I told him as I grabbed a few hundred dollars out of an ice cream carton in the freezer.

"Why do I have to go?" He asked.

"Because I'm not leaving you two hot head's alone to kill each other." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him outside.

I opened the garage. "Wow, you're just like them." Crowley said looking at the red 1967 Chevy chevelle SS 396.

"It was my dad's and it's not an Impala." I told him knowing he was talking about the boys.

I opened the drivers side door and got in and grabbed the keys from the glove box. I crossed my fingers in hopes that the car would start after not being touched for so long. It took a few tries but finally she came to life.

"It's a little dusty in here." Crowley said running his hands over the dash.

"Dad died what do you expect." I asked.

"Why didn't you take it?" He asked.

"I already had a car." I said as I backed out of the garage.

"So you choose your stupid little energy saving car over this?" He asked.

"This was moms car before she met dad, when she died its all he took, after he died it didn't think I was good enough to drive it so I just left it and the cabin here to rot away." I admitted.

"You are good enough." He told me.

"Wish I could have heard my dad say that at least once." I told him.

The ride down to the road was quiet after that. The trail we used to drive up and down was now over grown and hasn't been touched in so long. I almost forgot the way back to the road but I found my way. The best part about the road is that still no body really uses it so it's easier for our cabin to be hidden way up there in the woods. We still had to drive a few more miles to even make it into a town with a grocery store.

The parking lot of the small store was almost empty, probably because it was a week day morning and it was a small town most people have to leave to go to work. I parked the car and went inside and grabbed a cart. "When was the last time you went grocery shopping?" I asked Crowley.

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