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"There ain't no me if there ain't no you." - Dean Winchester

I woke up back in my bed. Rowena was putting a cold towel on my forehead. My body shook, I felt cold but I could tell I was sweating.

"You're awake." She said, her voice was soft almost a whisper.

"What happened." I asked.

"You passed out after she stabbed you with the needle, you've been out for a little more than a day." Crowley said coming into the room.

"You're fever is trying to break." She said. "Do you need anything?"

"Some strong pain killers, it feels like there's swords going through my stomach. There's some on the shelf in the bathroom."

"I'll get them." Crowley said, leaving the room.

He came back and gave me the bottle, Rowena handed my the glass of water that was on the nightstand. I took two and swallowed them with the water. My throat still hurt from before and the throwing up.

"When can we try more?" I asked.

"You need to recover first." Crowley said.

"I'm okay." I told him.

"You aren't strong enough to continue." Rowena told me.

"Maybe we should just stop this all together. Nothing's happening you're just getting hurt." Crowley said.

"No, we can do this." I told him.

"You're cut isn't healing it just turned black, your temperature keeps spiking back up just when we think its coming down and nothing seems to be healing you." Crowley said.

"I've tried somethings to heal you but nothing has worked." Rowena said.

"When I get better, we will keep trying everything we can. If I don't call Dean to take care of the body, he will know what to do. There's no point on making it through this if I'm not going to have a chance to getting closer to letting go of Lucifer." I told them.

"Just make sure you drink some water, you need fluids." Crowley said leaving the room.

"He's been in a bad mood since you passed out." Rowena told me.

"He's probably mad cause he saved me once and if I die it goes to waste." I  told her.

"Even I know that's not true, I hate him. But I know that for once he doesn't hate you, not even a little bit. Which is a big difference for him." She told me.

"I can tell he's changed, compared to the stories I've heard of him." I said.

I did as Crowley said and kept drinking glasses of water. I did really need them because I was sweating so much.

Rowena lit a candle and put it by my bed, somehow it made it a lot easier to breath.

I fell asleep when the sun started going down. Somehow laying in bed made me tired.

"I can't heal her, not even the cut." I heard a familiar voice say. I thought that maybe I was dreaming.

I opened my eyes and Cas was standing beside of my bed.

The window was open but I felt more cold than before but again my body was soaked with sweat.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We came to find you." Cas said.

"We? Are they with you?" I asked.

"They're in the living room." He told me.

"You're feaver spiked again." Crowley told me.

"Did you call them?" I asked him.

"You told us you have a cabin in Colorado and when Crowley didn't call back Dean assumed he was with you so he tracked his phone." Cas explained.

"I guess you guys are smarter than I thought." I told him.

I tried to sit up but my body wasn't strong enough to move.

"You need to eat something." Crowley told me.

"I'll throw up." I said as I laid back down completely. "I'm going back to sleep." I couldn't even keep my eyes open much longer.

Crowley closed the window and lit the candle so I could breath better again. I heard them both leave the room as I closed my eyes.

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