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"Honestly, I think the world's going to end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have a choice." - Dean Winchester

Sometimes it's hard to remember that you can't make peace with all the monsters.

I know I'm too much like my dad, though I wish I could be more like my mom was. I had his stubbornness and his strong will. Which I guess got me into situations like I'm in right now. I was supposed to have back up on this hunt but they called last minute and told me they got caught up. Of course I was stupid enough to try to do it myself, I just let it slip my mind that these weren't the vampires I'm used to.

I stood surrounded by the nest, at this moment I thought of death, heaven and hell. What I've done and I decided that hell would be my resting place but that didn't mean I wasn't going to go down fighting.

"Who is stupid enough to take us all on alone?" A woman asked.

"Me obviously." I told her, holding my blade tighter in my hand.

"Obviously." She repeated.

The vampires jumped at me, I swung my machete. I was only able to take out a few before they grabbed me and took my weapons. I was pushed into a chair and tied up.

The woman from before held my machete as she circled me. I knew that I was in for a hell of a time.

"How about we give this hunter a taste of her own medicine, make her suffer like her kind has done to so many of us!" She said as the others cheered.

My blade dragged across my stomach, it didn't cut too deep but I had to grit my teeth to keep from screaming out.

"Come on, I want to see you beg for your life." She told me.

A fist collided with my cheek.

I spit out the blood that gathered in my mouth from my busted lip and cheek. "I don't beg." I told her.

She grabbed onto my face squishing it. "Oh you will." She took a step away from me and swung my blade again. It sliced through my arm and shoulder but again I didn't let a sound escape my lips. She screamed out in frustration and I knew this would be the end.

Or it would have been.

Light shone into the large room as the door swung open. I could only see the outline of their bodies because of the bright light behind them but I knew they were hunters by the light catching the blades in their hands. I hate to admit it but they fought as good as me. They seemed to work well together almost perfectly. Blood splattered as the vampires fell, with their heads rolling away from their bodies.

"Need a hand?" The shorter one said as soon as all the vampires were dead.

"How did you find me?" I asked as he untied me.

"We got a call from some hunters they said that you would be stupid enough to go on this hunt by yourself and we were in the area." He said.

"Nice to meet you too." I told him.

"Sorry about him, I'm Sam and this is Dean." The taller one said shaking my opposite hand.

"Lena." I told him.

"Lena Cobain?" Sam asked.

"Yeah and I'm guessing you are the Winchesters?" I asked.

"You guessed right." Dean said.

"We should get you patched up." Sam told me leading the way out of the building.

I grabbed my machete from the ground and wiped the blood off on my pants.

"So why did you go in there alone?" Dean asked.

"I had the nest I wasn't about to let them go. They move fast these days you know." I told him.

"You could have been killed, you would have been if we didn't show up." He said.

"Thanks captain obvious." I told him.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" He asked.

"Just trying to make daddy proud." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sure getting the news that your dead wouldn't make him proud." Sam said.

"He wouldn't get the news, he died three years ago." I told him.

"Sorry we didn't hear." He said.

"It's fine." I told him.

"I heard he was a good hunter." Dean said.

"One of the best I've seen." I told him.

Sam opened the trunk and got a bag he went through it and pulled out a needle and alcohol and other essentials. He handed the bottle to Dean and he took a drink.

"Not for you, for Lena." Sam told him.

"I'm fine." I told him.

"Are you sure, it's going to hurt." Sam warned me.

"I've had hundreds of back alley stitch ups." I told him.

Sam wiped the blood off my arm and shoulder and got to stitching as Dean took another drink and tossed the bottle back into the trunk.

"So is it true what they say about you?" Dean asked.

"Depends what do they say?" I asked.

"You know that you have deals with some monsters, and the stories of your hunts taking down three Wendigos solo and the story about the Werewolves?" Dean asked.

"Yeah but those aren't as great as the stories I've heard about you guys." I told him.

"Like what?" Dean asked.

"The whole Lucifer and God thing, the angel on your shoulder and that you've died a million times but here you are living and breathing. Most hunters only die once you know." I told him.

"You're good." Sam said finishing the stitches.

"Thanks, I should get going. I have business in Boston." I told them.

"Hey if you need anything give us a call." Sam said handing me a card with a number on it.

"Thanks for the help." I told them as I walked from their car to mine. I threw my machete in the trunk and got in. I gave them a small wave as I passed them on the road headed towards Boston.

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