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"You wanna go hunt? I'll hunt. I'll kill anything!" - Dean Winchester

A few hours later I was relived to see the room light up with the sun. It meant I could check on Jim and see if the other hunters left. I closed my laptop and grabbed my clothes and makeup from my bag as I passed Cas I noticed that he was still watching the show. I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me like he just came out of a trance.

"It's morning." I whispered to him.

"Oh." He said turning off the TV.

I went to the bathroom and changed, I used my makeup to hide the tiredness from under my eyes. I brushed my hair and went back out in the room. Sam and Dean were up now, and I was ready for coffee.

"What's this?" Sam asked as I shoved my stuff back into my bag.

I grabbed my pills from him. "None of your business."

"Lena, that stuff is like a step down from cocaine." Sam told me.

"And this many energy shots?" Dean asked pushing all of the bottles from the table into the garbage.

"Cas and I were binge watching." I told them.

"I know you're scared to sleep." Sam told me.

"I'm fine just hurry up you two." I said leaving the room and walking to the coffee stand.

I got three coffee's, again mine was extra caffeinated.

When I got back to the hotel room. I left the guy's coffee on the table and grabbed my bag. I waited by the car for them to come back.

"We have to stop by Jim's to see if he took care of everything." I told Dean as he opened the trunk.

"I don't see why you left him awake though." He said taking my bag and putting it next to his.

"I don't know, I didn't really think about it. I guess it's because He has been the only constant in my life since my dad died so that might have stopped me from using Lucifer's power on him.

"So if everything's taken care of can we move on from Boston?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I'll still come back every once in a while to check up on things."

"How often would that be?" Sam asked putting his bag in the trunk too.

"Every few weeks, maybe more if something's going on." I told him.

"Okay, let's check on Jim and get to our next hunt." Dean said starting the car.

Dean stopped at a red light I looked out my window at the people on the side walk. I thought I saw him again, he was smiling back at me. I blinked a few times and Lucifer was gone. I heard his voice on the radio, in between the rock songs.

"Can you turn the radio off." I asked as it seemed like his voice was getting louder.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked as the radio went silent.

"Yeah just a bit of a headache." I lied.

I didn't understand how Lucifer was getting to me from the cage. Cas said he couldn't do anything. The car came to a stop outside Jim's bar. We walked, we were the only ones in there this early.

Jim was wiping down the bar and cleaning glasses.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"Most people thought they passed out and left. Your friends at the table seemed mad they stuck around until the whole lot of them were awake. I heard some mumblings but they were on their way soon after." Jim told me.

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