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"You seem troubled. Of course, that's a primary aspect of your personality, so I sometimes ignore it." - Castiel.

I guess this is what death feels like, or at least I though it was. I felt calm and stress free for once. I didn't need to kill anything or save anyone. Turns out that's what real sleep felt like, forced onto me by an angel.

"She's awake." I heard Crowley say.

"Lena?" Sam asked. He felt him sit down next to me on the bed. I opened my eyes and tried to get used to the light.

"Hey Sam how are you feeling?" I asked as I sat up.

"Me? What about you?" He asked surprised that I was worried about him.

"I feel like I owe you something for how many times you've brought me back from the dead." I told Castiel.

"You were never completely dead." He told me.

"Are you okay, do you hurt anywhere, or need anything?" Dean asked.

"No Cas does a pretty good job." I told him.

"You keep surprising me." Dean told me.

"Crowley?" I asked the man standing on the other side of the room.

"Yes." He said.

"Thanks." I told him.

"No problem. "He said.

"Lucifer is out again?" I asked.

"He's been for a while." Dean told me.

"You knew?" I was surprised that they didn't say anything through the hunts we've been through together.

"Cas and Crowley have been trying to track him. If we can find him then we can find a way to get him back into the cage." Sam told me.

"But we have no leads." Dean added.

"How about the demons, like the ones that tried to kill us?" I asked.

"What about them?" Dean asked.

"Maybe they know where he is?" I asked.

"Even if they did, they wouldn't sell him out." Crowley told me.

"Shouldn't you're main fucus be on him and not vampires and werewolves." I asked the guys.

"We aren't helping anything by coming up with a dead ends. At least this way we can help someone until these two find something." Dean told me.

"I think it's time for all hands on deck." I said.

"You want to help find Lucifer?" Sam said.

"He's just an angel with an attitude problem, he doesn't scare me." I told him.

"The devil doesn't scare you?" Crowley asked.

"Not much does anymore." I told him.

"We'll stay in town and work from here as long as we can, I know you still need rest." Sam pushed.

"I'm fine." I tried to tell him again.

"You've been though a lot Lena." He kept pushing.

"We all have." I said.

Dean handed me my laptop. "Lay back, do some research and I'll go get food." He said just before he left the room.

"Have you guys checked weather patterns?" I asked.

"We've checked everything." Sam told me.

"Well let's do it again." I told him.

Crowley disappeared and Cas did the same a few minutes later.

"Do you know Lucifer vessel?" I asked Sam.

I knew the process would suck with the hotel Wi-Fi but it's what I always did to find impossible people.

I sent the picture of the vessel through a data base that hacked into cameras all over the United stated.

"How can you do that?" Sam asked amazed.

"I stole it from the real FBI while I was working a case. I cleared everything so they couldn't find it. I kept fun things like this incase I needed it."

"How did you steal from the FBI?"

"Its easy if they invite you into their room." I told him.

He gave me a knowing not.

"This will take a while, what do you have?" I asked him setting my computer at the end of the bed.

"Not much, some Thunderstorms on the westcoast but that's normal this time if year." He told me. "Hopefully your way works."

"Dinner." Dean said coming through the door.

"Dean you have to see this." Sam said grabbing my computer and putting it on the table by the bags of food. "She stole this from the real FBI, it's scanning cameras all over the US for Lucifer."

"You're pretty cool you know that." Dean said tossing me a burger.

"Thanks." I told him.

I quickly ate my burger and went out to my car. My laptop battery would die faster with the scanning. I went to the front desk and got the room right next to the guys. I put my laptop on the dresser and left it open as it charged.

Even with all the sleep I got I was still exhausted and my body ached. I got into the bathroom and stripped my still partly bloody clothes off. I threw them in the tub to let them soak as I took a shower. The water ran off me making the water around my feet turn a dark pink color with the blood that still clung to my body and clothes.

When I got out I rung out my clothes and hung them on the shower rod. I looked in the mirror at the scars that riddled my body. I remember the time I got each of them, I tried to picture myself without them. Who would I be if I didn't hunt. I might have strech marks from pregnancy instead of scars from claws and bullets.

But I liked my scars, they make me who I am. A normal life would be too boring for me. I got a tanktop and shorts on and put my hair up before getting into bed and passing out again.

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