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"I gotta hand it to you guys. You never give up, even when you should. even when it would be so stupid not to." - Lucifer.

"Enough of your little games. I'm here, happy?" Lucifer said as appeared.

All of us stood and faced Lucifer on one side of the room as he was on the other.

"What do we do?" I asked Dean in a whisper.

"We fight." He said back.

Dean grabbed a sword from its stand onto of a book case, Sam pulled his gun and Cas his angel blade. They all made a run for Lucifer but I stood there frozen.

Cas hit the wall as Sam and Dean were pushed straight back to where I was.

"Now I didn't come to fight, I came to get my little weapon." Lucifer said. "Come on Lena, come to daddy."

I didn't wan to go to him but my body followed his orders. I took small steps towards him as he held his hand out for me. Someone grabbed my arm.

 "Don't make this harder than it needs to be brother." Lucifer said.  I turned to Gabriel who was still holding onto me.

"She's not yours to take." Gabriel told him.

"I created her, she is mine." Lucifer told him.

"Dad created her, you turned her into a monster." Gabriel shot back.

"You've left me no choice. Lena, show uncle Gabe what you can do." Lucifer told me.

I raised my hand, it turned a dark red color and I knew it was headed for Gabriel's heart. His whiskey gold eyes shone with fear. I couldn't believe that Lucifer would want his own brother dead. I clenched my hand and tried to keep it where it was. "Get them out of here, I'll take care of him just get them out." I whispered to Gabriel.  He gave me a small nod, just big enough for me to see. But the fear never left his eyes.

"Do it!" Lucifer commanded.

I fought harder to keep from hurting Gabriel.

"She's fighting back, Sam get her out of here." Dean yelled.

Sam grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the room and up  the stairs to the door that lead outside.

The sunlight almost blinded me.

"Sam what are you doing." I asked pushing him away.

"You cant fight him, he has too much control over you." He told me.

"Haven't you listened to Dean, I'll will win or I will die trying."

"You can't die." Sam said.

"We all do eventually. We can do this Sam, we can all put him back together." I lied. I knew there wasn't going to be an us just a me. "We've got this, and when it's over we can all go out for beers."

He gave me a small smile and a nod, but I knew he didn't mean  it. We all knew this wouldn't end well for some of us.

I opened the door to the bunker and ran back down the stairs without Sam trying to stop me. I heard him close behind me. I came into the room just in time to see Crowley thrown into a bookshelf. Books flew everywhere. I ran to him. "I'm okay, I'm okay." He said as he gasped to get air back into his lungs. I looked up to where Lucifer was, he held Rowena by the neck. Her hands held onto his wrist and her legs kicked in the air. I stood up and walked towards him.

"Put her down!" I yelled in my most commanding voice.

Lucifer gave me a smile. "As you wish." He threw Rowena, I watched her body fly through the air then come to a stop. She was slowly lowered to the ground and I knew then that he had no more power over me. He went after the one's I love, and that was the last straw. "So you want to fight me now, that will be kind of hard when you're trying to keep these two alive." Lucifer said. I looked back and Sam and Dean both fell to their knees holding onto their necks. Blood dripped from Dean's nose, Sam held himself up with one hand on the cold cement floor. A blast shot from me and into Lucifer. He flew into the concrete wall. I could hear the guys breathing normally now. Lucifer stood up dusting concrete shards off of himself.

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