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"Even if shes alive, she dead." - Dean Winchester

Sam and Dean helped me clean up the kitchen. Dean washed the dishes, I dried and Sam put them away.

"So now that you're feeling better, maybe we could go back to the bunker, I mean the cabin is nice and all but it's too far from civilization." Dean suggested.

"Dean, maybe we should take some time." Sam said before I could answer.

"Actually, I think it's a good idea, maybe we could start hunting again." I told him.

"You want to hunt?" Dean asked I. Disbelief.

"I mean that is when I feel the most normal, I can concentrate on something other than Lucifer and myself." I told him.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Sam asked.

"Well I'm feeling better." I told him.

"We still need to deal with Lucifer." Dean added.

"We don't have to go looking for him, maybe he'll just leave me be. We can deal with him when he comes knocking again." I told him.

"I mean it's fine with me." Dean shrugged, looking at Sam for approval.

"I guess." He said.

I stood on my toes and gave Sam a kiss on the cheek "It's no big deal, everything will be okay."

We spent a while packing up and shutting the place down, who knows when when or if we are ever going to be back here.

Sam and I put our stuff in my chevelle.

"I guess this is where I leave you." Crowley said.

I hugged him. "This isn't goodbye. You better visit or I'll hunt you down." I threatened.

"I will." He promised.

"Well dear, I'll see you soon." Rowena said hugging me.

Dean and Cas got into the impala and drove off and Sam and I got into my car, I let him drive because there was more leg room in the driver's seat due to the bags packed being mine. I watched Rowena and Crowley dissapear in the rearview as we drive off.

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