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"I'm an angel, you ass." - Castiel

I guess we all die from a gun, a blade, or a monster in this job. I mean hunters don't have the longest lifespan. But I'm not dead, not yet.

I woke up in a bed, I heard voices and I tried to remember what happened.

"She's awake." I heard someone say.

I sat up and my head was pounding.

"Easy there." Dean said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How am I alive?" I asked.

"Castiel healed you." Sam told me.

"How?" I asked looking at the man in the trench coat.

"I'm an angel." He said.

"Of course you are, how else would these two still be alive." I said remembering all the stories I've heard of them dying.

I lifted my shirt and looked at where the cut should have been. There was nothing but a faint scar.

"You were loosing a lot of blood, you could have died." Dean told me.

"Yeah." I told him. "Death is something that comes with the job, you should know that better than anyone."

"Why didn't you say something, we could have helped you sooner." Sam asked.

"I needed to finish the job." It hit me that we never got the job done. "The blood den." I said getting out of the bed fast, my legs were jelly and my knees gave out. Dean caught me by the waist before I fell all the way to the ground. He sat me back on the bed.

"Slow down, We took care of the blood den." He told me.

"After Cas healed you, he stayed here and we took care of it." Sam said.

"You went into a blood den alone?" I asked surprised.

"We would have been vampire food, but we just mentioned your name and it was like we owned the place. They handed him right over." Dean told me.

I caught the angel's eyes but he looked away, something seemed to be bothering him. I could tell he was a little stand offish of me.

"Well I should get going." I said standing up slowly this time.

"Sam drove your car back, it's out front." Dean told me.

"Thanks, for everything." I said, I grabbed my blood stained jacket off the back of a chair and made my way outside.

I got into my car and tossed the jacket onto the passenger seat. I had to move the seat forward because Sam was way taller than me. I pulled out of the parking lot leaving the brothers and their angel behind.

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