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"They say you can't protect your loved ones forever. Well, I say screw that. What else is family for?" - Ellen Harvelle

Just as I threw my bag into my trunk Dean came behind me, took it out and continued walking to his car.

"Dude." I said annoyed.

He put both of our bags on his trunk. "We're taking my car."

"I'm perfectly capable of driving myself." I told him crossing my arms.

"No you're not, get in." He said opening the back door for me.

"I am too." I argued.

"No you're not, what if you have one of your Lucifer episodes while driving and take out a soccer mom's mini van full of kids?" He said.

I sighed and got into the back seat, Dean closed the door after me. I hate to admit it but he was right.

Dean got in the driver's seat and I heard the trunk close. "Lets go." Sam said getting in as Cas got in back seat with me.

"Nice you could join us." I told him.

"I figured I'm needed here, because of your condition." He said.

"I have condition now, cool." I said sarcastically. Now I'm being treated like some sort of a sick patient.

I leaned against the window and watched the lines on the road go by. I hate to admit it's more relaxing when I don't have to drive. I let my eyes close but I was too scared to fall asleep. I never wanted to see Lucifer again and sleeping seems like the only way I get stuck with him.

Once we reached Boston it was already dark Dean pulled into the first motel he saw. "I'll get us a room." Dean said leaving us and going to the front office.

Cas got out of the car and looked around the town. He had to jump back to not get hit by a kid riding his skate board by. "Watch it old man." The kid told him.

The kid hit a rock sending him tumbling to the ground. Cas looked back at me. "That was uncalled for, technically I am much older than all of you."

"He meant it as an insult Cas, and I don't like people insulting my friends." I told him.

"He's fine Cas, see." Sam said watching the kid who was already riding off again.

"Yeah it's not like I ripped his heart out and set him on fire." I said. Cas gave me a confused almost glare. "Relax I wouldn't do that." I told him.

Dean came back with a key. "I figured you and Lena would just bunk together again." Dean told Sam as he grabbed his bag from the trunk.

"And you get to snuggle Cas all night?" I asked.

"I don't sleep." Cas said.

"I know Cas, It was a joke." I said punching him in the arm. "But that doesn't mean you can't snuggle."

Dean sighed in annoyance and closed the trunk. He threw my bag at me which I took as a 'shut up'.

I grabbed my bag from the ground and followed the guys inside. Dean fell onto a bed automatically claiming it.

I dropped my bag on the table and grabbed a gun and machete out of it.
"I'll be back in a few hours." I said walking towards the door.

"Hold it." Dean said still laying on the bed with his eyes closed.

Cas grabbed my arm so I was forced to stop. "What now?"  I asked rolling my eyes.

"You're not going out there alone." He said.

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