First signs?

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Erens POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and the banging on my bedroom door."EREN GET YOU ASS DOWN HERE AND MAKE BREAKFAST!!!" His father Grisha Jeager yelled. I slowly get out of bed, as I sat up I winced in pain. The bruise wasn't healed yet but it felt worse. He started beating me when he was drunk and yelling at me. This all started when my mom died. My sister Mikasa moved in with her friend Annie so she never knew what went on.
I put on some pants and a sweatshirt. I quit wearing t-shirts because of the scars. I hid them quite well or so I thought. I grab my stuff and walk down stairs to make breakfast. "Is there a certain thing you want for breakfast?" I asked him not looking him in the eyes. "Shut the hell up you faggot. Your shitty eye color scares everyone you love away." Grisha spat at him with hate. I have brown mop hair and teal eyes with a speck of gold around the irises." Why are you like this? Mom was never like you she was kind and caring." I say looking him dead in the eye. "You dare talk back to me? I'll show you what happens when you do." Grisha said darkly. I started backing up until my back hit the wall. I looked up and was punched in the stomach. I fell to my knees and was repeatedly punched and kicked. I coughed up blood and the world around me became blurry. The last words I heard before I blacked out were " You should have learned already that you should kill yourself." Grisha had said before walking out.
Levi 's POV

   I woke up and turned my alarm off. I went to the bathroom for a shower. I undress and turn the shower on. The hot water runs down my skin. I get dressed and head downstairs for some coffee.
My phone started buzzing, I went to check who it was.
Hanji- Hey shorty ready for a new year?

Levi- Shut the hell up Shitty Glasses.

   I shut my phone and get ready for me to head to the school. After I finish some cleaning I head out the door. I walk to my car and unlock it to put my stuff in the passenger seat. I pulled in the school's parking lot 5 minutes early to be able to get set up for my class. I walk in and greet Erwin. He is the principal and a close friend so he hoped me get a job. And so here I am, I teach French. A language I can speak fluently in. I learned from my parents. The bell rings and new faces and some old began to find a seat. They're some of the students I hade in my class last year and some are new. But there was one face missing. And that was Eren Jeager. He's a A,B average student. He's kind and sweet but you almost never hear him talk. He comes in late with a black eye or bruising somewhere on his body and the cuts. He must think he can hide them but I can tell that someone was hurting him. I decided to start class and hope he shows up."As most of you know me. And some don't I'm your French teacher Levi Ackerman. Now here are the rules. First no goofing off second no talking until told are allowed to. And lastly welcome to my class." I say looking around the room. Still no sign of Eren. "Alright class is starting. So tour first assignment is to read from pages 125-135. Then do the questions. I say looking around the room at the class. They all groaned and pulled their books out. About half way through the class Eren walks in with a bruise on his cheek and he was limping.

Next Chapter coming soon!
Wonder what's gonna happen.

Some Scars Never Heal (EreRi) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now