Chapter 8

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Levi 's POV

I sat in the living room reading for a bit. But as I was reading I started to dose off. It was a dreamless dream. Funny right? I slept on the couch with my book in hand.

    After about an hour I felt someone put a blanket on me. I started to wake up. I opened my eyes slowly. I see Eren with his back turned towards me in the kitchen. I sit up and look around he put my book on the table and covered me up with a blanket. I get up and walk to the kitchen quietly. "Morning Eren..." I say rubbing my eyes. "Levi!? You scared me don't do that please and morning." He said surprised. I chuckled in response. "What are you doing?" I asked looking at him. "I'm making you breakfast as a thanks for all that you've done for me." He says looking at me with a small smile. "You're welcome please don't burn my kitchen down while I'm in the shower." I say walking to the bathroom.

    I walked out of the bathroom and was hit with an amazing smell. I walked to the kitchen and see Eren setting the table. "Hey." He says softly. "Hey you need some help?" I asked looking at him struggling with setting the table and checking the food. He nodded. He cooked eggs,bacon,and some biscuits. He made my plate for me. "I'm gonna go get me a shower" He said. He didn't eat but I didn't want to push him.

  After breakfast we got ready to head to school. After we were ready I grabbed my wallet and keys. I locked the door while Eren walked to the car. It's gonna be a long day. We arrived and Eren went to his locker while I went to the classroom.

Eren's POV

I woke up again and looked at the time. I had time to make Levi breakfast. I walked out of my room Levi 's door was shut so I walked downstairs quietly. I walked to the living room and saw Levi there sleeping with his book on his stomach. I put the book on the table and put a blanket on him.

    While I was cooking I heard someone say good morning. I turned around and saw Levi rubbing his sleepy eyes. I told him not to sneak up in me. He told me not to burn his kitchen down while he was in the shower.

   After I made Levi 's breakfast I went to get a shower. I didn't eat because I'm anorexic you might say. I hardly ever eat anything I grabbed my clothes for today and got a shower. After I got out I brushed through my hair with my fingers. Levi was already ready when I walked down the stairs. While he locked the door I walked to the car.

    We made it to school and I went to my locker while Levi went to his classroom. "Hey fag where were ya these past two weeks I missed my punching bag." Said a voice I knew all to well Jean. "None of your business horseface." I say walking off. But he jumped in front of me and shoved me into the locker. "What did you call me Jeager?" Jean said holding my shirt collar. "You heard me you horseface asshole." I choked out. He punched me in my face. Students that just got there started to make a circle. "Why don't you go crying home to your mommy oh wait you don't have one you killed her." He said laughing. I got back up and charged at him. The students around us started to chant fight over and over. I punched him in the face. While he kicked me in the stomach. I fell to my knees and coughed up blood. I still wasn't healed yet. I got back up and punched him between the eyes. He fell to his knees and I punched over and over. Until he kicked me off. He started kicking me and punching me until my vision started to blur. I kept coughing up blood. I heard yelling but I blacked out.

   When I woke up I was in the nurses office. Figures. I looked around no one was in here until I heard voices. "Is he alright?" One asked. The other responded with an he'll be fine. I sat up but winced I tried to get up but my legs gave out from under me.


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