Chapter 21

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Erens POV

Me and Levi were laughing at the jokes waiting for the bell to ring. "Hey Levi here's one. I was gonna be a banker but I lost interest." I said laughing at the pun. He looked at me for a moment then it hit him.

He started laughing it sounded amazing. We were laughing until we heard a loud bang. Sounded like someone ran head first into the door.

Levi had it locked until the bell rang. That way we had some privacy. He unlocked the door and opened it. "Shitty Glasses care to explain why you ran head first into my door?"  Levi said crossing his arms.
      She smiled and laughed nervously. "Well.....I...." She quit talking because of Levi 's glare. I started laughing at her facial expression. "Eren! My titan baby!" Hanji yelled and gave me a bone crushing hug.

     "H-hanji I....can't...breath!" I squeak out. "I'm sorry!" She said letting me go and giggling. I walk over beside Levi. She looks at me then at Levi and gasped. "OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!" She exclaimed.

      I covered my ears and so did Levi. The bell rang and I took my seat. The students filed in once again. Jean looked at me and I looked away. I already did the work for this class.

      As I was sitting there my phone vibrated. I got a text message. It was from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hello Eren.

Eren: Who is this and how did you get my number.

I looked around the classroom Levi had his back turned towards me.

Unknown: How could you forget me so easily. Here's the deal meet me tomorrow night and your lovely sister doesn't get hurt.

Eren: Leave.Mikasa.Alone. I don't even know who the hell you are!

Unknown: Oh my dear Eren you'll know soon enough. Be at the park by 10:30pm sharp. If you're late your lovely sister will die.

With that I slam my hands on the desk. Everyone turns to look at me. Even Levi they had a shocked expression on there faces. "Jeager would you care to explain what your problem is?" Levi asked looking at me with concern.

      "I'm fine Mr. Ackerman. May I use the restroom?" He nodded. I hurried out the classroom to the bathroom.

   Levi 's POV

Me and Eren we're laughing and telling jokes. He told a pun that made me laugh. We told a few more jokes until there was a loud bang on the door.
     I opened it and there was Hanji she ran head first into the door. When she heard Eren laughing she ran over to him and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

       Hanji stayed in there until the bell. I watched as Eren walked to his seat. The students filed in one by one. Eren already finished the work so he was just sitting there.

       I had my back turned towards the class writing a few things on the board. I heard a loud bang and turned around. Eren had slammed his hands down on the desk in anger.

      He asked of he can leave and I nodded. I've never seen him that angry. He quickly walked out of the room. The class erupted in whispers. "Shut up you shitty brats." I say and they quiet down.

     Eren didn't return for the rest of the class. When the bell rang he came back to get his stuff. I stopped him by shutting and locking the door. "Care to tell me what the hell was that?" I say looking at him.

     He looked at me and sighed. "I've just been thinking that's all." Eren said looking at me. I looked at him then unlocked the door and let him out.


    Hmm I wonder who the mystery person is. I hate to say it but the story is coming to an end so the chapters will most likely be longer. I'm trying to decide if I should write smut. Please comment if you think I should.

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