Chapter 6

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Eren's POV

I walked in the front door to see Grisha sitting at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey stupid fag care to explain why you're home early?" He slurred. Great he's drunk. "I um woke up late s-so I didn't go to school." I said. "And your just now telling me this!?" He said raising his voice. "You weren't here so I couldn't tell you! Your never here!" I said raising my voice. SMACK!.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT!!" He yelled at me. "YOU ARE NO FATHER OF MINE!!" I replied yelling. After that I tried to run up the stairs to my room but Grisha had it blocked. He hit me repeatedly over and over in the stomach, Gut and occasionally the chest. "HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME!!!" He yelled while beating me. He picked me up and threw me against the wall. I started choking on my own blood at some point and passed out.

I could hear faint yelling and someone telling me it was gonna be okay. That voice was Levi 's he was there. I blacked out again and couldn't hear nothing or feel. It felt like I was floating in a pool of darkness.

When I awoke I slowly opened my eyes. The bright lights blinded me for a moment. I looked around the room. I felt something heavy on my arm and hand. I made out the figure it was Levi. "W-where am I?" I said quietlt. My voice was hoarse and it hurt to speak. I looked at Levi he was asleep. I tried to move my arm out from under him. He began to stir. He slowly opened his eyes. When he saw me awake his eyes widened in shock. "E-Eren you're awake." He said sighing with relief. " long was I out?" I said looking at him. "You were in a coma for 2 weeks." He said. My eyes widened in shock. "2-2 weeks!?" I say looking at him. He nodded in response. "I better go tell the nurses you're awake. Oh your sister is on her way." He said before leaving. Great. I look around the room a bit more. I was wrapped in bandages from head to toe. I sigh why was Levi here. Him of all people he may have saved my from Grisha I think. I can't remember anything after I started choking on my own blood.

Levi 's POV

I sigh after I left the room he was awake. After I saved him from Grisha. They told me He was lucky I brought him here just in time. He had a sprained ankle. Extreme bruising to his stomach and ribcage. He had self-inflicted cuts on his arms. I was amazed he fought for so long. I'm glad I was able to get to him.

    I walk to the front desk and tell them Eren was awake. They all looked at me in shock and I nodded. They kept trying to get me to pull the plug. I kept saying no he'll wake up.  What irkes me the most is that Grisha got away. But I got Eren to safety so that's a plus. I will still be able to here his voice. That's all that matters to me.

     I walk back to Eren's room after I got me some coffee. I see I woman with shoulder length raven haired like me. She turned and glared at me. "Mikasa stop. This is Levi he's the one who saved me." I heard Eren say. "So your Mikasa nice to meet you." I say holding my hand out. She just glared at me and left the room. "Well alrighty then." I say making Eren giggle. "Well someone's happy." I said looking at him. He blushed at the comment. "S-shut up!" He said still blushing.

     After awhile of me and Eren talking. I went and asked the doctor when he can come home. They said he can come home tomorrow they wanted to make sure he's okay. I walked back to tell Eren he can go home tomorrow. I walked up to his door and knocked. "Come in!" He said. "Hey Levi." He said smiling. That smile is to die for. "I talked to the doctors. They said you can go home tomorrow."I said sitting down in the chair by his bed. "I'll call Armin to see if I can stay with him for awhile until I get a job." Eren said sighing. "Actually I was wondering if you wanted to stay with me?" I say looking at him. He blushed how cute. Yes I just said cute. I have fallen for this brat. "Is that alright with you I don't want to be a burden." He said looking down. "Eren you're not a burden to me in anyway." I offered because want you to stay." I say looking at him. "Okay." He formed a small smile.

Heyo guys finished this chapter and will upload the next one soon. There is gonna be 25 chapters. I need your opinions to see if I'm gonna make a sequal. But thanks for all of the support

Love, Author-Chan (^~^/·°.°·°. ⭐

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