Chap.3 Eren's Story

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Eren's POV

I was having a dream about my mother. It started off as when I got home me and her were playing. After a little bit I asked if we could go to the park. Me and her was walking and I started to jump and run around. "Eren, you shouldn't run you could fall or worse." She said trying to get me to calm down. "It's okay momma I'll be careful." I say skipping. We finally made it to the park. I ran straight to the swings. "Momma come push me!" I yell. "Eren I'm coming don't yell." She says laughing. We started walking home. Someone stopped us. "Give us your money bitch." The man said. "M-momma who are t-they." I said shaking. "Eren get back now. We don't have any money so please let us go." My mother said. "Well then I guess we'll have to fix that." He says as he pulls out a knife. "Eren.RUN!" She says pushing me. I just freeze in fear. "EREN.GO.RUN!!" She screams. I turn around and run. I hear her scream once more so I turn back around. As I turn the corner I see my mother being stabbed. I scream and run towards her. "M-momma....I'm .....sorry." I say crying. I begin to shake until I hear a voice."-en....Eren wake up." The voice says. I shoot up to find Mr. Ackerman standing beside me. "Eren why are you crying?" He says with a worried expression. "I-I'm fine". I say looking down.

Levi 's POV

I asked him if he was alright and why was he crying. He just answered with a lie. I close my eyes and sigh. "Whatever brat I'll talk to you after class. So don't try to sneak out. Got it?" I said looking at him. "Y-yes sir." He said looking down. The bell rang signaling for class to start. The students filed in one by one.
    Towards the end of class I noticed Eren looking at me. I looked at him and smirked. He quickly looked away. "Cute" Wait did I just call him cute? This can't be real I'm falling for the stupid brat. The bell finally sounded off signalling the students to leave. Everyone piled out of the classroom except Eren. "Oi, what's your next class?" I asked him. "It's Biology." He says looking at me. "Alright I'm gonna go inform your teacher that your with me." I say walking out of the classroom. I walk to Biology room, I knock on the door. "HEY Levi it's you!!" That voice it could only belong to one person. Hanji. "Shitty Glasses who would've thought that you work here." I say shaking my head in annoyance.
    After a long conversation with Hanji I was finally able to get back to Eren. "Sorry that took so long Shitty Glasses wouldn't shut up." I say looking at him. " I-it's fine I don't care.......anyways why did you want to talk to me." He says in a low and monotone voice. "Eren I know what your going through. I've been there many of times. And I know you've been cutting for awhile. And I also know you come to school with a new bruise everyday or other day. Who is doing this to you?" I say looking him in the eye. "You....don't know what I have to deal with. You have no idea what hell I go through every day. All because of...of..never mind." He says looking at me. "It's your father isn't it." I say and his eyes widen. "N-no it isn't where did you come up with that."He says nervously. "It is I know it is just by your facial expression." He looks at me with wide eyes but quickly looks away. "I have to go." He says quickly.

Sorry if it sucks but hey at least its somethin new chapter coming soon

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