Chapter 19

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Eren's POV

Levi was out by the time I had woke up. I called the school telling them that Levi and I wouldn't be coming in. He's probably gonna have a hangover. So I find some pills for him and a glass of water.

   I lay them on the table by the bed and leave the room. He probably doesn't want to see me at the moment so I head to the living room and wait.

     I decide watch some t.v. since there's nothing on. I decided to take a shower. I had a long day yesterday. The warm water runs down my body. It's kinda relaxing and also soothing.

     I get out with a towel around my waist. I walk into the room to get my clothes. Of course I forgot to get them before I got in the shower. I grab a pair of boxers and some sweatpants.

      I throw those on and head walk out of the room. But stopped when I heard Levi say something. "E-Eren...don't....leave me....please" Levi was talking in his sleep.

      He started crying a few tears slipped down his cheeks. This is my fault he's like this. I walked over to the bedside. I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped away his tears.

     He opened his eyes but soon closed them quickly. He winced as the light hit him. "Eren...?" He said in a hoarse voice. "I'm here." I said taking my hand off his cheek.

      "I'm sorry for waking you." I said looking at the floor. "It's alright." He muttered reaching for the glass of water and the medicine. I sighed. I felt bad this is all my fault. "Uh....what..time is it?" He asked groaning.

      "'s past 1 in the afternoon. Don't worry I called the school saying you were sick." I said not looking at him in the eyes. He muttered a soft thanks and I nodded.

    I got up and walked towards the door. I think I should give him some alone time. I look at him before walking out. He had his head himg low. My mind screams it's my fault. And it is.

     I make some hot coffee for Levi. And make him some breakfast so he can eat. I make some omelettes and bacon. I didn't make me one. I just wasn't hungry at all.

       Levi walked downstairs when I set his food and coffee down. His hair was wet he must've gotten a shower. I sat down across from him with my coffee and phone.

   We ate in silence for the most part. "Hey...Levi?" He hummed in response. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled a tiny bit. He picked out the scariest movie he could find.

     Half way through the movie I felt Levi pull me close. I nuzzled my face in his chest. I fell asleep to his heartbeat.

   Levi 's POV

I awoke to a hand on my cheek. It was Eren's hand, my cheeks were wet. I must've been crying in my sleep. He didn't have a shirt on and his hair was wet.

      His eyes showed sadness and worry. My voice was hoarse so I reached for the water and the pills. I had the worst hangover ever. I smelt disgusting so after Eren left the room I walked to the bathroom.

      I took a hot shower, it was relaxing and nice. I walked downstairs and the best smell hit me. Omelettes and bacon. Eren sat my plate down with some coffee.

      He sat across from me with coffee and his phone. We sat there in silence until he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I nodded and picked the scariest movie I had.

      Halfway through the movie I pulled him close. He nuzzled his face in my chest. I smiled a tiny bit. Soon I felt his breathing slow. He was asleep in my arms. I noticed the circles under his eyes and frowned.

      After the movie I covered us both up in a blanket and fell asleep.

     Hey guys here's another chapter. Love Author-Chan


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