Chapter 11

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Levi 's POV

I waited by Eren everyday and he still has no response. I couldn't take it anymore. "Eren, I don't know if you can hear me but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. It was a huge misunderstanding. I was coming to check on you but Petra wouldn't let me. She knew you were there. The truth is I love you. Your big teal eyes that show life and your giggles and smiles. They are amazing and you have made me forget my pain. You saved me but I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I know you probably don't feel the same way. And I know you probably can't hear me. But I just had to tell you before I go. I'll get out of your life all I do is cause you pain. Bye Eren."Levi said crying.

Eren's POV

No no no this can't be happening I feel the same way please don't leave. I need to show him I still care. Wait a minute the light there it is. I ran towards the light the fastest I could run. Mom I'm gonna miss you and thank you. Her last words was anytime.

Levi was holding my hand when I started to wake up I squeezed his hand lightly. He looked up in shock. I smiled at him. I had heard everything he had said. "Levi thank you and I love you too I have been watching you. My soul separated from my body. I watched and heard everything you said. I'm sorry please forgive me. And don't leave." I said crying. He smiled slowly and I smiled through the tears.

After a bit the doctor's came in and were surprised. They said I had a 15% chance of waking up. I was surprised a little bit but I knew most of the stuff that went on. I was in a coma for 4 months. Levi was overjoyed that I was awake.

When we were alone I decided to speak up. "Hey Levi." He hummed in response. "You know the whole time I was in a coma." He nodded. "Well...I saw and heard everything it felt my body was floating in darkness. I saw what was happening and I heard a voice. It was my mom's she was telling me that everything was gonna be okay. And that it wasn't my time to go. I watched over you everyday. She said when I see the light to go towards it. When I did I was back in my body. I wasn't separated from it anymore." I stopped for a moment. "When you said all of that I felt my heart break I didn't want you to leave me." I said tearing up. Levi looked at me in shock mostly but sadness too.

Then he said something that made me cry. "Eren I love you I know this is wrong but will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and I said yes. The next thing he did shocked me. He leaned over and kissed me softly.

     The kiss didn't last long because of a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said looking at the door. It was Mikasa. "Hey Eren how are you feeling?" She said looking at me. "Never could be better." I reply with a smile. She looked at me and sighed.
  Me and Mikasa talked for awhile she told me how she met this girl named Annie. I told her I want to meet her someday. Mikasa knows I'm gay and she didn't mind. She left awhile later and it was just me and Levi again.

   Levi 's POV (again)

Eren woke up and I was amazed to be honest. He told me he heard everything I had said to him. He liked me back. He told me everything that happened while he was in a coma. I was amazed but relieved he had heard everything. There's only one way I can describe how I feel at the moment and that is. In love with Eren Jaeger. Mikasa came and I left for a bit. I went to get something to eat.

Hiya guys Author-Chan here I'll upload again soon.

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