Chapter 17

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Eren's POV

     As Levi talked to Jean I felt hatred radiating off him. I felt his glare at the back of my head. And trust me it wasn't pleasant. I heard a chair move and walking the next thing I hear sends chills down my spine. "You're gonna pay for this Jeager." He whispered in my ear.

      That made my stomach churn only because it brought back old memories. After Jean was sent to the office I ran to the bathroom. I made it just in time. I threw up this mornings contents with a little blood from my stomach into the toilet.

      I locked the stall door, I started shaking uncontrollably. I was having a major panic attack. I started to cry then I heard the bell ring. I heard someone walk in and I held my breath. "Eren?" It was Levi. "Come out. Are you okay." He said with worry in his voice.

     I unlocked the door and threw my arms around him. I started to cry into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. "Shh. You're safe Eren. Okay he can't  hurt you. What did he say to set you off like this?" He asked after I calmed down a bit.

       " was nothing don't worry about it." I say getting up. I can't let anyone near me not even Levi. I don't want to be hurt anymore. He might hate me but oh well.

       I take a deep sigh and look around for a minute. Then I take off running. I heard Levi calling after me but I didn't stop. I ran out of the bathroom and into the classroom. Just long enough to get my stuff.

     I run past Levi and out of the school and back to the apartment. I have to get there no matter what. I arrive after 30 minutes of running. I unlock the door with the spare key.

      I walk in and grab some paper and a pen.

Dear Levi,

I'm scared. Scared of getting hurt again or hurting you. I wouldn't want that you mean the world to me. Yes I love you and don't ever forget that. Grisha is after me and I would do anything to keep you from getting hurt. Thank you for everything you've done for me. No this isn't a suicide letter. But this is a goodbye one.  I'm gonna leave for awhile so please don't bother looking for me. I'm safe don't worry. Here's my phone number just in case you ever need me.

(xxx)-xxx-xxx. Don't ever hesitate too.

           Forgive me.

Love Eren.

With that I grab my stuff and text Mikasa.

Eren- Mikasa meet me at Titan cafe. I'm gonna stay with you for a bit. I remembered the offer so ima take you up on It.

Mikasa- Okay I'll be there in twenty so be there.

With that I left. Goodbye Levi the only one I truly ever loved.

 Levi 's POV

When Eren suddenly ran off it worried me. I called after him but he ran to the classroom. Before I could get there he dashed out with his stuff and ran past me.

    I couldn't get him, I ran to the office. I told them the situation and they let me leave early. I run to my car and head towards the apartment. When I arrive I see that Eren has already been here.

     I see a piece of paper and pick it up. I started reading it, I felt my heart drop. "No Eren please I can't lose you too." I say as tears come to my eyes. I saw he left his number.

    I typed the number in and called him. He picked up.


Haha cliffhanger

Some Scars Never Heal (EreRi) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now