Chapter 24

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Warning: Smut ahead. This is first time writing it so sorry if it sucks.

Eren's POV

   Levi had gotten the shower with me. I was probably redder than a tomato. I had my back facing him while I washed my hair. I felt Levi wrap his arms around me.

        He turned me around and kissed me. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance so I decided to tease him. He licked my bottom lip asking again and I wouldn't.

      He bit my bottom lip causing me to gasp. He took that as as opportunity to slip his tongue in. We battled for dominance and Levi won.

      We both pulled away for air, both of us breathing heavy. "Bed." Levi said and I nodded. I turned the water off. Levi already had a towel around his waist.

     He walked off into the bedroom. I followed with a towel around my waist. He pushed me onto the bed kissing me rough yet gently. He started attacking my neck with kisses and leaving a few hickeys.

      I moaned when he found my sweet spot on my neck. I felt him smirk against my skin. Making me moan. It was embarrassing to be honest so I hid my face in my arms. "Eren~ don't be embarrassed I love hearing you moan. Here in a minute I'm gonna make you moan my name~" Levi said looking at me with lust in his eyes.

    He started kissing me down my bare chest leaving hickeys. My face was red and breathing heavy.

Levi 's POV

   I started kissing down his chest leaving my mark. I felt my dick grow uncomfortably hard. I moved my leg in between his teasing his dick. "Ah~ Levi!" He moaned. "L-Levi wait." He said.

      He pushed me into a sitting position on the side of the bed. He got in between my legs and looked up at me with his big green eyes. He grabbed my dick making me gasp and tense.

     He smirked at my reaction. He bent down and licked the tip. I moaned and my fingers went straight to his hair. He licked me from the bottom of my shaft to the top.

      He put the tip in his mouth and was able to swallow me whole. I used all of my strength trying to not buck my hips. He started bobbing his head up and down. "Ah~" I moaned and he smiled. He started humming I felt close. "Ah~ Eren I'm about to c-" He cut me off by holding his finger to my mouth. "I won't let you....yet anyways." He said with lustful eyes.

      He got back on the bed and he started kissing me. I grabbed his dick and he gasped. I slipped my tongue in ha moaned as I was pumping his dick.

    I put three fingers up to his mouth. "Suck." He nodded and I put them in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around each of my fingers. I pulled them out and positioned them at his entrance.

     I put the index finger in and he gasped. I added another finger scissoring him. He moaned. "Ah~ Levi!" He moaned as I hit his prostate. I hit it over and over erupting a string of moans from him.

    "L-Levi." He said breathlessly. I nodded. I positioned myself at his entrance. I pushed the tip in slowly. Eren gasped out of pain and pleasure. I pushed the rest in letting him adjust to the size.

     He nodded and I pulled out and pushed back in. I repeated this motion. I left a few bite marks on Eren's skin and his nails dug into my skin as He climaxed with a long moan.

      I thrusted in a few more times before climaxing. I pulled out of him. He gasped at the sudden emptiness. I cleaned off our stomachs. He was panting and so was I.

     I pulled him close, he laid his head on my chest. "Hey Eren." I asked. He hummed in response. "I love you." I said pulling him closer. " I love you too Levi." He said smiling.

        Eren fell asleep in my arms and I fell asleep moments later. I love Eren more than he could ever know.

Eren's POV (again)

I woke up the next morning with a burning pain in my hips. Levi wasn't in bed. He must've got up. I tried to stand up but failed miserably.

    I fell to the floor with a groan and a loud thump. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The door opened to reveal Levi with I look on his face. "Eren what are doing on the floor?" He said amused.

    "Hmmm probably because I can't exactly get up because of last night." I said looking at him. He looked at me and laughed. "How would you like it if I shoved my dick up your ass?" I said looking at him smirking.

    "First I don't bottom and like that'll ever happen. Now I ran you a warm bath. After that you can eat breakfast." He said walking over and helping me up.

      He helped me to the bathroom and sat me down in the bathtub. He washed my back and my arms. After I finished the bath I ate breakfast. He made my favorite. "Pancakes!" I say sitting down.

Okay writing this chapter was very.....awkward.  I felt like by writing this I lost my innocence. But any ways here's this chapter sorry if it sucked

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