Chapter 22

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Eren's POV

Levi let me go and I hurried to my next class. 'Wow Eren you lied to him. I'm impressed about that.' the voice in my head said to me. I shook it off. It quit talking to me after I escaped Grisha. Now it's back.

It told me it's name once but I forgot what it was. I could care less at the moment. The whole time I was in the bathroom I called Mikasa's phone. She didn't pick up.

My next class was biology with Hanji. I made it there before the late bell rang. I walked in and sat down at my desk. Armin was already there, he waved and I smiled slightly.

Hanji wasn't in the class yet but Jean was. He walked over to Armin and started stuff. "Hey girly boy~" Jean said. "Please leave me alone Jean" Armin said. "Or what. You gonna slap me like a girl?" Jean said laughing.

"Or I'm gonna kick your ass." I say standing up. "Aww Jaeger you standing up for your gay boyfriend?" Jean said smirking. "Listen horse ass I'm not gay neither is he. And we all know you're after the other new kid Marco." I say looking at him.

Marco blushes red and Jean growls. He charges at me and I kick his feet out from under him. He hit the floor with a loud thump. I smirked. "What's wrong horsey lost your footing?" I tauntingly.

He gets back up and turns towards me. He throws a punch at me and misses. I punch him in the mouth. He backs up and wipes the blood. He manages to punch me in the eye.

I kick him in the stomach, he falls to the ground on one knee. I look down at him. He raises back up slowly. I back up. He kicks my feet out from under me. I fall backwards. He starts to punch me in the mouth and face.

I manage to kick him off me and he staggers back. I charge at him and start to punch him in the face. I get up and kick him in the stomach. We were both bleeding by now. I walk out of the classroom and bump into Hanji talking to Levi.

I head the other way I see Jean get up and come after me. I turn and run past Hanji and Levi. They look surprised and soon see Jean trailing after me. "Jeager you better get your ass back here!" He yells.

I manage to get to the top floor. I hide in the janitor's closet. I hear him run past me and I hurry up and run back downstairs. I here his footsteps after me now.

I run into Levi 's classroom and lock the door. He doesn't have a class at the moment. He jumps up from his desk to ask me what's going on but I hold my finger to my mouth.

Jean starts banging on the door. "Jeager I know you're in there. You have ten seconds to cone out or else!" He yelled. Levi motioned me to hide. I hide under his desk. He unlocks the door and sees Jean there. "May I ask you why you are banging on my classroom door?" Levi said. "I'm looking for that asshole named Eren Jeager" Jean says smirking.

Levi grits his teeth and looks at him. "Kerstein. Office. Now." Levi says sternly. I heard Levi shut the door and I got out of my hiding spot. I ran to Hanji's class.

Levi 's POV

After Eren had left Hanji stopped by and was talking. Her class had already started but I was telling her something. "Oi shitty glasses. I need you need to keep an eye on Eren." I say to her. "Why?" She said curiously. I told her about this morning how Eren got mad.

She was surprised. "For the time I've had Eren in my class I've never seen him get angry. He's normally quiet unless you ask him something." She said with her eyebrows furrowed as she.was thinking.

She stood there for a few more moments before we heard running. We both looked and saw Eren run past us. A few seconds heard Jean yelling. They both were beat up.

Eren ran up the stairs with Jean hot on his tail. Hanji quickly walked back to her class to figure out what happened. I waited for a moment before going to my desk.

A few minutes later Eren ran into my classroom and locked the door. Jean started beating on the door. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. He put a finger up to his mouth.

I motioned him to hide, and he ran and hid under my desk. I opened the door and there stood an angry horse. I asked him why He was banging on my door like an idiot.

He responded with an smartass comment. I told him to go to the Office. That should buy Eren some time. I shut the door and heard him crawl out from under the desk.

The walk to the office was filled with a bunch of grumbling from the angry teen. I told Eyebrows why he was here. Yes Erwin owns a café and he is the principal.

I left the horseface with him and walked back to my classroom. Eren had left a note on my desk I picked it up and it said.

Thanks Levi for helping me I owe you one. Love Eren

I chuckled at the note.

This chapter was longer considering this book is coming to an end. All the chapters will be like this from now on.

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