Chapter 16

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  Eren's POV

When we arrived at school Levi and I parted ways till the bell rang. I went to my locker while he went to his classroom to set up. I normally ain't in a good mood. But today I am or rather I was until the horse showed up.

     He slammed me into my locker and I looked up at him. "Listen Horseface I'm in a good mood today it I was until your ugly ass showed up." I spat at him. That angered him more. He raised to punch me but I moved and he punched the locker instead.

    "Jeager!! Get your scrawny gay ass back here!!!" He yelled as I was running down the hall. He was following me and he was pretty close behind. He plays football with Reiner.

     I made it up the stairs skipping a few as I ran. I was in the third floor. One of the windows were open. So I made the choice jump from here or get my ass beat by Jean.

     When he rounded the corner I made my decision. "Kiss my ass Horseface!" I spat at him while I jumped. Luckily there was a pool at the bottom. Lucky me. I hit the water hard. And it was freezing, it wasn't even spring yet.

     I looked up to see Jean with his eyes wide and mouth hung open. I smiled and flicked him off. His face beat red with anger. Then the bell rang. Great. "Have fun with detention for skipping and being late. Jeager!" He yelled down.

     Shit Levi is going to kill me, I'm late for his class. And he probably thinks I'm in trouble. Luckily I brought some extra clothes. I snuck in the bathroom to change. I put my wet clothes in my locker.

    I made it to Levi 's class, I walked in and felt a pair of eyes on me. I was limping from the jump and didn't feel it until now. My hair was soaked and my good mood was gone.

    I take my seat hoping Levi didn't notice. "Mr. Jeager would you care to explain why you were late for my class?" He said looking at me. "No not really how about you mind your own business." I say and he gives me a death glare.

     "Jeager. Outside. Now.!" He said angrily. I huffed and walked outside in the hallway. Levi walked out moments later. "What the hell was that!" He hissed. "It was an act. After you went to your classroom. Jean showed up and slammed me into my locker. Then he went to punch me I moved just in time and he punched the locker. I took off running and made it to the third floor before he caught up to me. I jumped out the window into the pool below. Thus hurting my ankle a bit. Luckily I had brought extra clothes so I changed and pit the wet ones in my locker." I say finishing up my story. He sighed and told me to go sit down.

Levi 's POV

The bell had rung and students started to pile in. Everyone was here but Eren. He was late. I saw Jean sitting there smirking. About half an hour into my lesson Eren walked in with his hair wet and different clothes.

     I asked why he was late and he gave a smartass remark so I took him out into the hall. He said it was an act and told me what really happened.

     Jean had chased him through th school and Eren jumped out of the third story window into the pool. He was limping a little bit. I sighed and told him to go back to his seat. He walked back to his seat and I saw Jean give him a look.

     "Mr Kerstein care to explain why you chased Jeager through the school up to the third story?" I said looking at him. He glared at Eren before replying. "He hurt my hand." Jean replied calmly. "Yes I suppose so considering you were trying to punch Jeager but he moved and you punched the locker instead." I said and he growled.

That's this chapter for today love you guys

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