Chapter 9

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Eren's POV

When I tried to get up my legs gave out beneath me. I fell to the ground hitting my head. I groaned as I sat up. I heard footsteps and I hid under the bed. The voices were nurse Petra and Levi. I got out from under the bed quietly. I looked out of the curtain like I had just woke up. I saw Levi kissing Petra. Petra looked and saw me. I was standing there wide eyed. Levi looked at me and I felt tears slowly creep their way to my eyes. I ran out of the nurse office I could hear someone call out to me but I just ran not stopping. and ran down the street to the spot where my secret spot is.

    I made it there and I fell to the ground. I let the tears fall I couldn't hold them in no more. I felt betrayal and sadness. I don't know why I'm crying he probably prefered Petra over him. I keep pushing my feelings away but now I can't it hurts. I love him but he probably doesn't like me. He's probably straight unlike me.

    I cry until there are no tears I sit there wondering. Wondering if it would have been better if I had died that night. I take out my phone it was currently 7:30. I put my headphones in and press shuffle. I'm debating on going back to the apartment or not.

    I stayed there for a little longer until 8:00. I walked around town for a bit. I decided I would walk to the park and stay there. I know a spot in the park where the old oak tree. As I was walking by an alleyway someone reached out covering my mouth. They pulled me into the alley. "Well well well look who we have here. Didn't think you would see me again." A raspy voice said in my ear. My eyes widened in fear. I knew who it was it was Grisha. He let me go for a split second and kicked me in my back. I fell against the wall and tried to get back up. He picked me up and threw me against the wall. He kicked me in my chest and stomach. I didn't have time to cough up blood or even move. He beat me until I quit moving. Then he picked me up and threw me against the wall. I blacked out I hurt all over and I couldn't breath.

Levi 's POV

   After Eren went to his locker I went to my classroom to set my stuff down. I was sitting there getting ready before the class started. I heard some commotion out in the hall. Some kids were fighting again. When I got up close to see who it was it was Eren and Jean. Jean was kicking Eren over and over again. He started to cough up blood. Jean wouldn't stop I tried to get him but the stupid brats blocked me.

    After I got him I took him to the nurse. Of course Petra had to be subbing today. I walked in and set Eren down she got to work on him. I left for my class Jean was expelled for who knows how long.

    After my classes were over I went to check on Eren. I walked in and went to check on him but Petra stopped me. "Hey Levi~" She said flirtatiously. "Petra back off I'm here to check on Eren." I say rudely. I heard something fall towards Eren's direction. I walked over ther but Petra grabbed my shirt and kissed me. I stood there with wide eyes I saw her look over. I followed her gaze and saw she was looking at Eren. He had tears in his eyes and his eyes showed betrayal,hurt,and broken. He took off running out the door. I called after him but He kept going.

       I stood there looking down the hallway. I turned towards Petra and said. "If I can't find him or he gets hurt again because of YOU I will fucking kill you!" I hissed in anger.

Whoops sorry cliffhanger

Some Scars Never Heal (EreRi) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now