Chapter 10

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Levi 's POV

    I ran through the hallways looking for Eren. He was nowhere so I went back to the apartment to see if was there. He wasn't there either. I ran towards his old house looking. I spent at least 2 hours looking for Eren. It was now 11:35 almost midnight and still no sign.

  I went to the last place I could think of the park. I was walking to the park and it started to rain. I walked past an alleyway when something caught my eye. It was blood, so I walked closer to the wall. It was Eren he was bloody bruised and cut. I shook him but no response he was pale. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to somewhere dry. I called an ambulance and told them where we were.

   After about 15 minutes the ambulance got there. I rode with Eren. He had a pulse but barely we got him to the hospital. They rushed him to the back. And made me wait in the waiting room.

    After what felt like hours the doctor came out. "Eren Jeager." He said looking around. I got up and walked towards him. "How is he?" I asked him. He looked at the clipboard and sighed. "Well he's in critical state. He has several broken ribs and it punchered on of his lungs. Abd he has sever bruising to his chest and stomach. He has cuts on his arm which is more likely caused by self harm. He's in a coma and is not responding we don't know if he's gonna wake up this time." The doctor said looking at me

  They let me see Eren after filling out some paper work. He was hooked up to tubes and machines. He looked pale and lifeless. I walked over and sat beside him. I picked up his hand and intertwined his with mine. I cried myself to sleep that night holding his hand.

   Eren's POV

I was floating in darkness my whole body hurt. It was raining before I blacked out. I'm cold and I miss Levi. I felt safe with him and his presence was comforting.

    I heard someone call my name and my body being moved. The person was crying. I felt someone pick me up and carry me. They were warm I heard voices and sirens of the ambulance.

  I woke up in the hospital, I saw myself laying hooked up to machines. Levi was beside me crying and holding my hand. My soul must have seperated from my body. "Eren." A voice said behind me. I turned around an saw my mom. "M-mom what are you doing here?" I asked. "Eren it's not your time. You have people who love you." She said smiling. I looked at myself in the hospital bed. "Mom ever since you died my life has been hell. I love you and I know it's my fault your not alive." I said looking at her with tears in my eyes. "Eren it's not your fault okay your father needs help. I know you can't forgive him. But I can't stay much longer. When the time comes head towards the light." She said hugging me. I nodded and said goodbye.

    This went on for weeks and soon turned to month's. But Levi barely left. He barely ate too and that tore me apart. He cried for me and never left my side. The doctor tried to get him to pull the plug on me. He wouldn't budge saying he's gonna wake up.

  Mikasa came a few times and stayed for a few hours while Levi was out. I watched from my ghostly body. Some other of my class mates came too. Armin came and left a card. Levi took temperary leave just to stay with me.

    I miss interacting with them so much. I keep waiting just like mother said. I look around a lot and just hang around Levi. He looks thinner and paler. And me well I look dead. I believe everyone else has given up about me waking up. Except Levi he won't give up. When I wake up I'm gonna thank him.

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