Levi 's story

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Levi 's story

"Hey big bro!" shouted a little girl with brown hair in pig tails. "Hey Isabel." Said younger Levi. "Where are you going?" She said looking at Levi. "I'm going out for a bit okay. So be a good girl for mom." He said walking out the door. "Okay be careful big bro!" she said running up the stairs to her room. Levi was actually going to Hanji's to get away from his mom. As he walked up the stairs to Hanji's house to knock his phone went off. "Who would call me early this hour?" Levi said checking his phone. "Why would Sina Hospital be calling me at this hour?" He said answering. "Hello?" He said "Are you Levi Ackerman?" The voice said over the phone. "Yes may I ask why are you calling me." Levi said. "I was told to inform you about an accident that just happened. And we need you to come to the hospital."  The man said. "...ok I'll be there in a few." Levi said hanging the phone up.

  Levi arrived at the hospital shortly after. He was informed that his mother Kuchel Ackerman and his younger sister Isabel Magnolia had passed away in the accident. Apparently Kuchel was driving when she was hit head on by a drunk driver. The car was slung off the road and into the forest. They both were killed instantly. Hanji arrived at the hospital after hearing the news. She took me home and I stayed for the night. I snuck out the next morning and went home. I walked in to find a note my mom had left. I read the note and I broke down. It said.

Dear Levi,

I know I'm not much of a mom but I know your birthday is coming up. And me and Izzy wanted to get you a decent gift if you are reading this I'm sorry please forgive me.

             Love Kuchel.

Levi read the note over and over till he couldn't take it anymore. He crumbled the note up and threw it away. "I'm sorry mom I forgive you I forgave you a long time ago." He said sobbing.

   After a few weeks after the funeral he dropped off the deep end. He started skipping school he started drinking and cutting. He thought cutting solve the problems but it doesn't. He realised that after Hanji saved him. He cut too deep and passed out when Hanji found him and called the ambulance. He turned his life around he chose to fight and live for Isabel and his mother. He went to school and finished college. He went to school for a teaching degree. He got that and started teaching French at Sina High school. His goal was to help Eren Yeager. He made a promise to himself after meeting Eren. And that was to help him.

Hiya guys Author-Chan here I told ya I would finish it. Sorry it's short but hey I had to rewrite everything. Thanks for the support love u guys

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