Chapter 12

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Eren's POV

I got to come home, the home I used to know consists of beatings,verbal and physical abuse,cutting. But my new home was with Levi. He is my savior. We stopped by the store to get a few things. Levi and me were walking out of the store when I looked over and saw Grisha. He had sickly smile on his lips.

      I froze with eyes wide, I started to shake. Levi noticed this and set the groceries down. He ran up to me. "Oi, Eren you okay?" He said shaking me a bit. I was still looking at Grisha who then put his finger to his lips. As if to say don't make a sound. Then he disappeared I snapped out of my trance and looked at Levi.

    After we made It home we unloaded the groceries. I went to the bathroom. I locked the door and turned the sink water on. I splashed the water on my face. I unlocked the bathroom and went to the kitchen. Levi was cooking dinner. I turned the t.v. on to see If anything good was on. An alert came across the screen. That face that has haunted me for years came on the screen. They have been looking for him. My breathing quickened and hollowed. I started to shake I looked around for Levi. "L-L-Levi help me!" I said burying my face in my hands.

    He ran over to me and embraced me in a hug. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him. "Shhh.. Eren it's okay calm down." Levi said while I buried my head in his chest. I decided to tell him because I can trust him. "I....I saw him today" O said quietly. He looked at me and asked who I saw. "I saw Grisha he was also the one who did that to me." I said slowly. Levi looked shocked.

    He held me while I told him everything. He apologized even though it's not his fault. I fell asleep in his arms as he cradled me.

Levi 's POV

Eren was acting strange on the way home after we left the store. It's like his mind was somewhere else. He had a panic attack and I tried to comfort him. The way he said help me just broke my heart.

    After we arrived home he turned on the t.v. and froze. He started to have another panic attack. The person on the screen was Grisha Jeager. Eren broke down and told me everything. From the point of that night when Grisha beat him.

     I was fuming with anger but I didn't want Eren to see. I wrapped my arms around him and he soon fell asleep. I picked him up bridal style and took him to my room. I laid him down an covered him up. Then I went to get a shower.

     I quickly showered and got out. I had a towel wrapped around my waist. I put some boxers on and some sweatpants. Then I crawled in the bed beside Eren. I wrapped my arms around his waist. He was so thin. I soon drifted off to sleep. I mumbled love you and goodnight. He mumbled the same and I smiled tiredly.

Sorry this is such a short chapter I've had loads going on. One of my mums friends got killed in a car crash. I also changed my name it's now Eromanga-Sensei. It's from an anime that came out. I recommend it.

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